Let’s talk about testing. Once you write a plugin, it turns into a long-term thing. To keep adding new features (or to keep fixing bugs), writing tests makes sense.
sbt comes with scripted test framework, which lets you script a build scenario. It was written to test sbt itself on complex scenarios — such as change detection and partial compilation:
Now, consider what happens if you were to delete B.scala but do not update A.scala. When you recompile, you should get an error because B no longer exists for A to reference. [… (really complicated stuff)]
The scripted test framework is used to verify that sbt handles cases such as that described above.
The framework is made available via scripted-plugin. The rest of this page explains how to include the scripted-plugin into your plugin.
Before you start, set your version to a -SNAPSHOT one because scripted-plugin will publish your plugin locally. If you don’t use SNAPSHOT, you could get into a horrible inconsistent state of you and the rest of the world seeing different artifacts.
Enable SbtPlugin
in build.sbt
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
name := "sbt-something"
Then add the following settings to build.sbt
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
name := "sbt-something",
scriptedLaunchOpts := { scriptedLaunchOpts.value ++
Seq("-Xmx1024M", "-Dplugin.version=" + version.value)
scriptedBufferLog := false
Note: You must use sbt 1.2.1 and above to use SbtPlugin
Make dir structure src/sbt-test/<test-group>/<test-name>
. For starters, try something like src/sbt-test/<your-plugin-name>/simple
Now ready? Create an initial build in simple
. Like a real build using your plugin. I’m sure you already have several of them to test manually. Here’s an example build.sbt
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
version := "0.1",
scalaVersion := "2.10.6",
assembly / assemblyJarName := "foo.jar"
In project/plugins.sbt
sys.props.get("plugin.version") match {
case Some(x) => addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % x)
case _ => sys.error("""|The system property 'plugin.version' is not defined.
|Specify this property using the scriptedLaunchOpts -D.""".stripMargin)
This a trick I picked up from earldouglas/xsbt-web-plugin@feabb2, which allows us to pass version number into the test.
I also have src/main/scala/hello.scala
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Now, write a script to describe your scenario in a file called test
located at the root dir of your test project.
# check if the file gets created
> assembly
$ exists target/scala-2.10/foo.jar
Here is the syntax for the script:
starts a one-line comment
sends a task to sbt (and tests if it succeeds)
name arg*
performs a file command (and tests if it succeeds)
sends a task to sbt, but expects it to fail
name arg*
performs a file command, but expects it to fail
File commands are:
creates or updates the timestamp on the files
deletes the files
checks if the files exist
creates dirs
checks if the files don’t exist
source target
checks if source
is newer
source target
checks if source
is identical
pauses until enter is pressed
sleeps (in milliseconds)
command args*
runs the command in another process
fromPath toPath
copies the file
fromPath+ toDir
copies the paths to toDir
preserving relative structure
fromPath+ toDir
copies the paths to toDir
So my script will run assembly
task, and checks if foo.jar
gets created. We’ll cover more complex tests later.
To run the scripts, go back to your plugin project, and run:
> scripted
This will copy your test build into a temporary dir, and executes the test
script. If everything works out, you’d see publishLocal
running, then:
Running sbt-assembly / simple
[success] Total time: 18 s, completed Sep 17, 2011 3:00:58 AM
The file commands are great, but not nearly enough because none of them test the actual contents. An easy way to test the contents is to implement a custom task in your test build.
For my hello project, I’d like to check if the resulting jar prints out “hello”. I can take advantage of scala.sys.process.Process
to run the jar. To express a failure, just throw an error. Here’s build.sbt
import scala.sys.process.Process
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
version := "0.1",
scalaVersion := "2.10.6",
assembly / assemblyJarName := "foo.jar",
TaskKey[Unit]("check") := {
val process = Process("java", Seq("-jar", (crossTarget.value / "foo.jar").toString))
val out = (process!!)
if (out.trim != "bye") sys.error("unexpected output: " + out)
I am intentionally testing if it matches “bye”, to see how the test fails.
Here’s test
# check if the file gets created
> assembly
$ exists target/foo.jar
# check if it says hello
> check
Running scripted
fails the test as expected:
[info] [error] {file:/private/var/folders/Ab/AbC1EFghIj4LMNOPqrStUV+++XX/-Tmp-/sbt_cdd1b3c4/simple/}default-0314bd/*:check: unexpected output: hello
[info] [error] Total time: 0 s, completed Sep 21, 2011 8:43:03 PM
[error] x sbt-assembly / simple
[error] {line 6} Command failed: check failed
[error] {file:/Users/foo/work/sbt-assembly/}default-373f46/*:scripted: sbt-assembly / simple failed
[error] Total time: 14 s, completed Sep 21, 2011 8:00:00 PM
Until you get the hang of it, it might take a while for the test itself to behave correctly. There are several techniques that may come in handy.
First place to start is turning off the log buffering.
> set scriptedBufferLog := false
This for example should print out the location of the temporary dir:
[info] [info] Set current project to default-c6500b (in build file:/private/var/folders/Ab/AbC1EFghIj4LMNOPqrStUV+++XX/-Tmp-/sbt_8d950687/simple/project/plugins/)
Add the following line to your test
script to suspend the test until you hit the enter key:
$ pause
If you’re thinking about going down to the sbt/sbt-test/sbt-foo/simple
and running sbt
, don’t do it. The right way, is to copy the dir somewhere else and run it.
There are literally 100+ scripted tests under sbt project itself. Browse around to get inspirations.
For example, here’s the one called by-name.
> compile
# change => Int to Function0
$ copy-file changes/A.scala A.scala
# Both A.scala and B.scala need to be recompiled because the type has changed
-> compile
xsbt-web-plugin and sbt-assembly have some scripted tests too.
That’s it! Let me know about your experience in testing plugins!