Scala includes a process library to simplify working with external
processes. Use import scala.sys.process._
to bring the implicit
conversions into scope.
To run an external command, follow it with an exclamation mark !
"find project -name *.jar" !
An implicit converts the String
to scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder
which defines the !
method. This method runs the constructed command,
waits until the command completes, and returns the exit code.
Alternatively, the run
method defined on ProcessBuilder
runs the
command and returns an instance of scala.sys.process.Process
, which
can be used to destroy
the process before it completes. With no
arguments, the !
method sends output to standard output and standard
error. You can pass a Logger
to the !
method to send output to the
"find project -name *.jar" ! log
You can get a Logger
val log = streams.value.log
If you need to set the working directory or modify the environment, call
explicitly, passing the command sequence
(command and argument list) or command string first and the working
directory second. Any environment variables can be passed as a vararg
list of key/value String pairs.
Process("ls" :: "-l" :: Nil, Path.userHome, "key1" -> value1, "key2" -> value2) ! log
Operators are defined to combine commands. These operators start with
in order to keep the precedence the same and to separate them from
the operators defined elsewhere in sbt
for filters. In the following
operator definitions, a
and b
are subcommands.
a #&& b
Execute a
. If the exit code is nonzero, return that exit
code and do not execute b. If the exit code is zero, execute b and
return its exit code.
a #|| b
Execute a
. If the exit code is zero, return zero for the
exit code and do not execute b. If the exit code is nonzero, execute
b and return its exit code.
a #| b
Execute a
and b
, piping the output of a
to the input
of b.
There are also operators defined for redirecting output to File
s and
input from File
s and URL
s. In the following definitions, url
is an
instance of URL
and file
is an instance of File
a #< url
or url #> a
Use url
as the input to a
. a
may be a
File or a command.
a #< file
or file #> a
Use file
as the input to a
. a may be
a File or a command.
a #> file
or file #< a
Write the output of a
to file
. a may
be a File, URL, or a command.
a #>> file
or file #<< a
Append the output of a
to file. a may
be a File, URL, or a command.
There are some additional methods to get the output from a forked
process into a String
or the output lines as a Stream[String]
. Here
are some examples, but see the
ProcessBuilder API for details.
val listed: String = "ls" !!
val lines2: Stream[String] = "ls" lines_!
Finally, there is a cat
method to send the contents of File
s and
s to standard output.
Download a URL
to a File
url("") #> file("About.html") !
// or
file("About.html") #< url("") !
Copy a File
file("About.html") #> file("About_copy.html") !
// or
file("About_copy.html") #< file("About.html") !
Append the contents of a URL
to a File
after filtering through
url("") #> "grep JSON" #>> file("About_JSON") !
// or
file("About_JSON") #<< ( "grep JSON" #< url("") ) !
Search for uses of null
in the source directory:
"find src -name *.scala -exec grep null {} ;" #| "xargs test -z" #&& "echo null-free" #|| "echo null detected" !
Use cat
val spde = url("")
val dispatch = url("")
val build = file("project/")
cat(spde, dispatch, build) #| "grep -i scala" !