1. Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions 

Project Information 

What does the name “sbt” stand for, and why shouldn’t it be written “SBT”? 

TL;DR the name sbt doesn’t stand for anything, it’s just “sbt”, and it should be written that way.

When Mark Harrah (@harrah) first created the project he called it “Simple Build Tool”, but in his first public announcement of it he already referred to it as just “sbt”. Over time some have re-defined sbt to stand for “Scala Build Tool”, but we believe that isn’t accurate either given it can be used to build Java-only projects.

Nowadays we just call sbt “sbt”, and to reinforce that the name is no longer an initialism we always write it in all lowercase letters. However, we are cool with 酢豚 (subuta) as a nickname.

How do I get help? 

How do I report a bug? 

How can I help? 


My last command didn’t work but I can’t see an explanation. Why? 

sbt 1.10.10 by default suppresses most stack traces and debugging information. It has the nice side effect of giving you less noise on screen, but as a newcomer it can leave you lost for explanation. To see the previous output of a command at a higher verbosity, type last <task> where <task> is the task that failed or that you want to view detailed output for. For example, if you find that your update fails to load all the dependencies as you expect you can enter:

> last update

and it will display the full output from the last run of the update command.

How do I disable ansi codes in the output? 

Sometimes sbt doesn’t detect that ansi codes aren’t supported and you get output that looks like:

[0m[ [0minfo [0m]  [0mSet current project to root

or ansi codes are supported but you want to disable colored output. To completely disable ansi codes, pass -no-colors option:

$ sbt -no-colors

How can I start a Scala interpreter (REPL) with sbt project configuration (dependencies, etc.)? 

In sbt’s shell run console.

Build definitions 

What are the :=, +=, and ++= methods? 

These are methods on keys used to construct a Setting or a Task. The Getting Started Guide covers all these methods, see .sbt build definition, task graph, and appending values for example.

What is the % method? 

It’s used to create a ModuleID from strings, when specifying managed dependencies. Read the Getting Started Guide about library dependencies.

What does ThisBuild / scalaVersion mean? 

ThisBuild acts as a special subproject name that you can use to define default value for the build. When you define one or more subprojects, and when the subproject does not define scalaVersion key, it will look for ThisBuild / scalaVersion.

See build-wide settings.

What is ModuleID, Project, …? 

To figure out an unknown type or method, have a look at the Getting Started Guide if you have not. Also try the index of commonly used methods, values, and types, and the API Documentation.

How do I add files to a jar package? 

The files included in an artifact are configured by default by a task mappings that is scoped by the relevant package task. The mappings task returns a sequence Seq[(File,String)] of mappings from the file to include to the path within the jar. See mapping files for details on creating these mappings.

For example, to add generated sources to the packaged source artifact:

Compile / packageSrc / mappings ++= {
  import Path.{flat, relativeTo}
  val base = (Compile / sourceManaged).value
  val srcs = (Compile / managedSources).value
  srcs pair (relativeTo(base) | flat)

This takes sources from the managedSources task and relativizes them against the managedSource base directory, falling back to a flattened mapping. If a source generation task doesn’t write the sources to the managedSource directory, the mapping function would have to be adjusted to try relativizing against additional directories or something more appropriate for the generator.

How can I generate source code or resources? 

See Generating Files.

How can a task avoid redoing work if the input files are unchanged? 

See Caching.

Extending sbt 

How can I add a new dependency configuration? 

See How to define a custom dependency configuration.

How do I add a test configuration? 

See the Additional test configurations section of Testing.

How can I create a custom run task, in addition to run? 

This answer is extracted from a mailing list discussion.

Read the Getting Started Guide up to custom settings for background.

A basic run task is created by:

lazy val myRunTask = taskKey[Unit]("A custom run task.")

// this can go either in a `build.sbt` or the settings member
//   of a Project in a full configuration
fullRunTask(myRunTask, Test, "foo.Foo", "arg1", "arg2")

If you want to be able to supply arguments on the command line, replace TaskKey with InputKey and fullRunTask with fullRunInputTask. The Test part can be replaced with another configuration, such as Compile, to use that configuration’s classpath.

This run task can be configured individually by specifying the task key in the scope. For example:

myRunTask / fork := true

myRunTask / javaOptions += "-Xmx6144m"

How should I express a dependency on an outside tool such as proguard? 

Tool dependencies are used to implement a task and are not needed by project source code. These dependencies can be declared in their own configuration and classpaths. These are the steps:

  1. Define a new configuration.
  2. Declare the tool dependencies in that configuration.
  3. Define a classpath that pulls the dependencies from the Update Report produced by update.
  4. Use the classpath to implement the task.

As an example, consider a proguard task. This task needs the ProGuard jars in order to run the tool. First, define and add the new configuration:

lazy val ProguardConfig = config("proguard").hide

ivyConfigurations += ProguardConfig


// Add proguard as a dependency in the custom configuration.
//  This keeps it separate from project dependencies.
libraryDependencies +=
   "net.sf.proguard" % "proguard" % "4.4" % ProguardConfig.name

// Extract the dependencies from the UpdateReport.
ProguardConfig / managedClasspath := {
    // these are the types of artifacts to include
    val artifactTypes: Set[String] = (ProguardConfig / classpathTypes).value
    Classpaths.managedJars(proguardConfig, artifactTypes, update.value)

// Use the dependencies in a task, typically by putting them
//  in a ClassLoader and reflectively calling an appropriate
//  method.
proguard := {
    val cp: Seq[File] = (ProguardConfig / managedClasspath).value
  // ... do something with , which includes proguard ...

Defining the intermediate classpath is optional, but it can be useful for debugging or if it needs to be used by multiple tasks. It is also possible to specify artifact types inline. This alternative proguard task would look like:

proguard := {
   val artifactTypes = Set("jar")
    val cp =
      Classpaths.managedJars(proguardConfig, artifactTypes, update.value)
  // ... do something with , which includes proguard ...

How would I change sbt’s classpath dynamically? 

It is possible to register additional jars that will be placed on sbt’s classpath. Through State, it is possible to obtain a xsbti.ComponentProvider, which manages application components. Components are groups of files in the ~/.sbt/boot/ directory and, in this case, the application is sbt. In addition to the base classpath, components in the “extra” component are included on sbt’s classpath.

(Note: the additional components on an application’s classpath are declared by the components property in the [main] section of the launcher configuration file boot.properties.)

Because these components are added to the ~/.sbt/boot/ directory and ~/.sbt/boot/ may be read-only, this can fail. In this case, the user has generally intentionally set sbt up this way, so error recovery is not typically necessary (just a short error message explaining the situation.)

Example of dynamic classpath augmentation 

The following code can be used where a State => State is required, such as in the onLoad setting (described below) or in a command. It adds some files to the “extra” component and reloads sbt if they were not already added. Note that reloading will drop the user’s session state.

def augment(extra: Seq[File])(s: State): State = {
    // Get the component provider
  val cs: xsbti.ComponentProvider = s.configuration.provider.components()

    // Adds the files in 'extra' to the "extra" component
    //   under an exclusive machine-wide lock.
    //   The returned value is 'true' if files were actually copied and 'false'
    //   if the target files already exists (based on name only).
  val copied: Boolean = s.locked(cs.lockFile, cs.addToComponent("extra", extra.toArray))

    // If files were copied, reload so that we use the new classpath.
  if(copied) s.reload else s

How can I take action when the project is loaded or unloaded? 

See How to take an action on startup.

Example of project load/unload hooks 

The following example maintains a count of the number of times a project has been loaded and prints that number:

  // the key for the current count
  val key = AttributeKey[Int]("loadCount")
  // the State transformer
  val f = (s: State) => {
    val previous = s get key getOrElse 0
    println("Project load count: " + previous)
    s.put(key, previous + 1)
  Global / onLoad := {
    val previous = (Global / onLoad).value
    f compose previous


On project load, “Reference to uninitialized setting“ 

Setting initializers are executed in order. If the initialization of a setting depends on other settings that has not been initialized, sbt will stop loading.

In this example, we try to append a library to libraryDependencies before it is initialized with an empty sequence.

libraryDependencies += "commons-io" % "commons-io" % "1.4" % "test"


To correct this, include the IvyPlugin plugin settings, which includes libraryDependencies := Seq(). So, we just drop the explicit disabling.

libraryDependencies += "commons-io" % "commons-io" % "1.4" % "test"

A more subtle variation of this error occurs when using scoped settings.

// error: Reference to uninitialized setting
settings = Seq(
  libraryDependencies += "commons-io" % "commons-io" % "1.2" % "test",
  fullClasspath := fullClasspath.value.filterNot(_.data.name.contains("commons-io"))

This setting varies between the test and compile scopes. The solution is use the scoped setting, both as the input to the initializer, and the setting that we update.

Compile / fullClasspath := (Compile / fullClasspath).value.filterNot(_.data.name.contains("commons-io"))

Dependency Management 

How do I resolve a checksum error? 

This error occurs when the published checksum, such as a sha1 or md5 hash, differs from the checksum computed for a downloaded artifact, such as a jar or pom.xml. An example of such an error is:

[warn]  problem while downloading module descriptor:
invalid sha1: expected=ad3fda4adc95eb0d061341228cc94845ddb9a6fe computed=0ce5d4a03b07c8b00ab60252e5cacdc708a4e6d8 (1070ms)

The invalid checksum should generally be reported to the repository owner (as was done for the above error). In the meantime, you can temporarily disable checking with the following setting:

checksums in update := Nil

See library management for details.

I’ve added a plugin, and now my cross-compilations fail! 

This problem crops up frequently. Plugins are only published for the Scala version that sbt uses (currently, 2.12). You can still use plugins during cross-compilation, because sbt only looks for a 2.12 version of the plugin.

… unless you specify the plugin in the wrong place!

A typical mistake is to put global plugin definitions in ~/.sbt/plugins.sbt. THIS IS WRONG. .sbt files in ~/.sbt are loaded for each build—that is, for each cross-compilation. So, if you build for Scala 2.11.0, sbt will try to find a version of the plugin that’s compiled for 2.11.0—and it usually won’t. That’s because it doesn’t know the dependency is a plugin.

To tell sbt that the dependency is an sbt plugin, make sure you define your global plugins in a .sbt file in ~/.sbt/plugins/. sbt knows that files in ~/.sbt/plugins are only to be used by sbt itself, not as part of the general build definition. If you define your plugins in a file under that directory, they won’t foul up your cross-compilations. Any file name ending in .sbt will do, but most people use ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt or ~/.sbt/plugins/plugins.sbt.


Where can I find plugins for 1.10.10? 

See Community Plugins for a list of currently available plugins.