1. sbt Launcher Configuration

sbt Launcher Configuration 

The launcher may be configured in one of the following ways in increasing order of precedence:

  • Replace the /sbt/sbt.boot.properties file in the launcher jar
  • Put a configuration file named sbt.boot.properties on the classpath. Put it in the classpath root without the /sbt prefix.
  • Specify the location of an alternate configuration on the command line, either as a path or an absolute URI. This can be done by either specifying the location as the system property sbt.boot.properties or as the first argument to the launcher prefixed by @. The system property has lower precedence. Resolution of a relative path is first attempted against the current working directory, then against the user’s home directory, and then against the directory containing the launcher jar.

An error is generated if none of these attempts succeed.


The default configuration file for sbt as an application looks like:

  version: ${sbt.scala.version-auto}

  org: ${sbt.organization-org.scala-sbt}
  name: sbt
  version: ${sbt.version-read(sbt.version)[0.13.5]}
  class: ${sbt.main.class-sbt.xMain}
  components: xsbti,extra
  cross-versioned: ${sbt.cross.versioned-false}

  typesafe-ivy-releases: https://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/ivy-releases/, [organization]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext], bootOnly
  sonatype-snapshots: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots

  directory: ${sbt.boot.directory-${sbt.global.base-${user.home}/.sbt}/boot/}

  ivy-home: ${sbt.ivy.home-${user.home}/.ivy2/}
  checksums: ${sbt.checksums-sha1,md5}
  override-build-repos: ${sbt.override.build.repos-false}
  repository-config: ${sbt.repository.config-${sbt.global.base-${user.home}/.sbt}/repositories}

Let’s look at all the launcher configuration sections in detail:

1. Scala Configuration 

The [scala] section is used to configure the version of Scala. It has one property:

  • version - The version of Scala an application uses, or auto if the application is not cross-versioned.
  • classifiers - The (optional) list of additional Scala artifacts to resolve, e.g. sources.

2. Application Identification 

The [app] section configures how the launcher will look for your application using the Ivy dependency manager. It consists of the following properties:

  • org - The organization associated with the Ivy module. (groupId in Maven vernacular)
  • name - The name of the Ivy module. (artifactId in Maven vernacular)
  • version - The revision of the Ivy module.
  • class - The name of the “entry point” into the application. An entry point must be a class which meets one of the following criteria

    • Extends the xsbti.AppMain interface.
    • Extends the xsbti.ServerMain interfaces.
    • Contains a method with the signature static void main(String[])
    • Contains a method with the signature static int main(String[])
    • Contains a method with the signature static xsbti.Exit main(String[])
  • components - An optional list of additional components that Ivy should resolve.
  • cross-versioned - An optional string denoting how this application is published. If app.cross-versioned is binary, the resolved module ID is {app.name+'_'+CrossVersion.binaryScalaVersion(scala.version)}. If app.cross-versioned is true or full, the resolved module ID is {app.name+'_'+scala.version}. The scala.version property must be specified and cannot be auto when cross-versioned.
  • resources - An optional list of jar files that should be added to the application’s classpath.
  • classifiers - An optional list of additional classifiers that should be resolved with this application, e.g. sources.

3. Repositories Section 

The [repositories] section configures where and how Ivy will look for your application. Each line denotes a repository where Ivy will look.

  • Note: This section configured the default location where Ivy will look, but this can be overridden via user configuration.*

There are several built-in strings that can be used for common repositories:

  • local - the local Ivy repository ~/.ivy2/local.
  • maven-local - The local Maven repository ~/.m2/repository.
  • maven-central - The Maven Central repository repo1.maven.org.

Besides built in repositories, other repositories can be configured using the following syntax:

name: url(, pattern)(,bootOnly)(,descriptorOptional)(,skipConsistencyCheck)(,allowInsecureProtocol)

The name property is an identifier which Ivy uses to cache modules resolved from this location. The name should be unique across all repositories.

The url property is the base url where Ivy should look for modules.

The pattern property is an optional specification of how Ivy should look for modules. By default, the launcher assumes repositories are in the maven style format.

The bootOnly string is used to tell Ivy to only use this repository during startup. i.e. To find sbt’s own JARs and the JARs of any plugins. Repositories with the bootOnly string will not be used for build-time dependency resolution.

The skipConsistencyCheck string is used to tell Ivy not to validate checksums and signatures of files it resolves.

The allowInsecureProtocol string tells SBT not to output a warning about this repository being http://. Please think carefully before using HTTP repositories as they can present a significant security risk.

4. The Boot section 

The [boot] section is used to configure where the sbt launcher will store its cache and configuration information. It consists of the following properties:

  • directory - The directory defined here is used to store all cached JARs resolved launcher.
  • properties - (optional) A properties file to use for any read variables.

5. The Ivy section 

The [ivy] section is used to configure the Ivy dependency manager for resolving applications. It consists of the following properties:

  • ivy-home - The home directory for Ivy. This determines where the ivy-local repository is located, and also where the Ivy cache is stored. Defaults to ~/.ivy2
  • checksums - The comma-separated list of checksums that Ivy should use to verify artifacts have correctly resolved, e.g. md5 or sha1.
  • override-build-repos - If this is set, then the isOverrideRepositories method on xsbti.Launcher interface will return its value. The use of this method is application-specific, but in the case of sbt denotes that the configuration of repositories in the launcher should override those used by any build. Applications should respect this convention if they can.
  • repository-config - This specifies a configuration location where Ivy repositories can also be configured. If this file exists, then its contents override the [repositories] section.

6. The Server Section 

When using the --locate feature of the launcher, this section configures how a server is started. It consists of the following properties:

  • lock - The file that controls access to the running server. This file will contain the active port used by a server and must be located on a filesystem that supports locking.
  • jvmargs - A file that contains line-separated JVM arguments that were used when starting the server.
  • jvmprops - The location of a properties file that will define override properties in the server. All properties defined in this file will be set as -D Java properties.

Variable Substitution 

Property values may include variable substitutions. A variable substitution has one of these forms:

  • ${variable.name}
  • ${variable.name-default}

where variable.name is the name of a system property. If a system property by that name exists, the value is substituted. If it does not exists and a default is specified, the default is substituted after recursively substituting variables in it. If the system property does not exist and no default is specified, the original string is not substituted.

There is also a special variable substitution:


This will look in the file configured by boot.properties for a value. If there is no boot.properties file configured, or the property does not exist, then the default value is chosen.


The configuration file is line-based, read as UTF-8 encoded, and defined by the following grammar. 'nl' is a newline or end of file and 'text' is plain text without newlines or the surrounding delimiters (such as parentheses or square brackets):

configuration: scala app repositories boot log appProperties
: "[" "scala" "]" nl version nl classifiers nl
: "[" "app" "]" nl org nl name nl version nl components nl class nl crossVersioned nl resources nl classifiers nl
: "[" "repositories" "]" nl (repository nl)*
: "[" "boot" "]" nl directory nl bootProperties nl search nl promptCreate nl promptFill nl quickOption nl
: "[" "log" "]" nl logLevel nl
: "[" "app-properties" "]" nl (property nl)*
: "[" "ivy" "]" nl homeDirectory nl checksums nl overrideRepos nl repoConfig nl
: "directory" ":" path
: "properties" ":" path
: "search" ":" ("none" | "nearest" | "root-first" | "only" ) ("," path)*
: "level" ":" ("debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error")
: "prompt-create"  ":"  label
: "prompt-fill" ":" boolean
: "quick-option" ":" boolean
: "version" ":" versionSpecification
: readProperty | fixedVersion
: "read"  "(" propertyName ")"  "[" default "]"
: text
: "classifiers" ":" text ("," text)*
: "ivy-home" ":" path
: "checksums" ":" checksum ("," checksum)*
: "override-build-repos" ":" boolean
: "repository-config" ":" path
: "org" ":" text
: "name" ":" text
class: "class" ":" text
: "components" ":" component ("," component)*
: "cross-versioned" ":"  ("true" | "false" | "none" | "binary" | "full")
: "resources" ":" path ("," path)*
: ( predefinedRepository | customRepository ) nl
: "local" | "maven-local" | "maven-central"
: label ":" url [ ["," ivyPattern] ["," artifactPattern] [", mavenCompatible"] [", bootOnly"]]
: label ":" propertyDefinition ("," propertyDefinition)*
: mode "=" (set | prompt)
: "quick" | "new" | "fill"
: "set" "(" value ")"
: "prompt"  "(" label ")" ("[" default "]")?
: "true" | "false"
: "\r\n" | "\n" | "\r"
: text
: text
: text
: text
: text
: text
: text
: text
: text