sbt is a build tool for Scala, Java, and more. It requires Java 1.8 or later.
See Installing sbt for the setup instructions.
To get started, please read the Getting Started Guide. You will save yourself a lot of time if you have the right understanding of the big picture up-front. All documentation may be found via the table of contents included on the left of every page.
See also Frequently asked question.
See How can I get help? for where you can get help about sbt. For discussing sbt development, use Discussions. To stay up to date about the news related to sbt, follow us @scala_sbt.
This documentation can be forked on GitHub. Feel free to make corrections and add documentation.
Documentation for 0.13.x has been archived here. This documentation applies to sbt 1.10.10.
See also the API Documentation, and the index of names and types.