1. Plugins Best Practices

Plugins Best Practices 

This page is intended primarily for sbt plugin authors. This page assumes you’ve read using plugins and Plugins.

A plugin developer should strive for consistency and ease of use. Specifically:

  • Plugins should play well with other plugins. Avoiding namespace clashes (in both sbt and Scala) is paramount.
  • Plugins should follow consistent conventions. The experiences of an sbt user should be consistent, no matter what plugins are pulled in.

Here are some current plugin best practices.

Note: Best practices are evolving, so check back frequently.

Key naming convention: Use prefix 

Sometimes, you need a new key, because there is no existing sbt key. In this case, use a plugin-specific prefix.

package sbtassembly

import sbt._, Keys._

object AssemblyPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
  object autoImport {
    val assembly                  = taskKey[File]("Builds a deployable fat jar.")
    val assembleArtifact          = settingKey[Boolean]("Enables (true) or disables (false) assembling an artifact.")
    val assemblyOption            = taskKey[AssemblyOption]("Configuration for making a deployable fat jar.")
    val assembledMappings         = taskKey[Seq[MappingSet]]("Keeps track of jar origins for each source.")

    val assemblyPackageScala      = taskKey[File]("Produces the scala artifact.")
    val assemblyJarName           = taskKey[String]("name of the fat jar")
    val assemblyMergeStrategy     = settingKey[String => MergeStrategy]("mapping from archive member path to merge strategy")

  import autoImport._


In this approach, every val starts with assembly. A user of the plugin would refer to the settings like this in build.sbt:

assembly / assemblyJarName := "something.jar"

Inside sbt shell, the user can refer to the setting in the same way:

sbt:helloworld> show assembly/assemblyJarName
[info] helloworld-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Avoid sbt 0.12 style key names where the key’s Scala identifier and shell uses kebab-casing:

  • BAD: val jarName = SettingKey[String]("assembly-jar-name")
  • BAD: val jarName = SettingKey[String]("jar-name")
  • GOOD: val assemblyJarName = taskKey[String]("name of the fat jar")

Because there’s a single namespace for keys both in build.sbt and in sbt shell, if different plugins use generic sounding key names like jarName and excludedFiles they will cause name conflict.

Artifact naming convention 

Use the sbt-$projectname scheme to name your library and artifact. A plugin ecosystem with a consistent naming convention makes it easier for users to tell whether a project or dependency is an SBT plugin.

If the project’s name is foobar the following holds:

  • BAD: foobar
  • BAD: foobar-sbt
  • BAD: sbt-foobar-plugin
  • GOOD: sbt-foobar

If your plugin provides an obvious “main” task, consider naming it foobar or foobar... to make it more intuitive to explore the capabilities of your plugin within the sbt shell and tab-completion.

(optional) Plugin naming convention 

Name your plugin as FooBarPlugin.

Don’t use default package 

Users who have their build files in some package will not be able to use your plugin if it’s defined in default (no-name) package.

Get your plugins known 

Make sure people can find your plugin. Here are some of the recommended steps:

  1. Mention @scala_sbt in your announcement, and we will RT it.
  2. Send a pull request to sbt/website and add your plugin on the plugins list.

Reuse existing keys 

sbt has a number of predefined keys. Where possible, reuse them in your plugin. For instance, don’t define:

val sourceFiles = settingKey[Seq[File]]("Some source files")

Instead, reuse sbt’s existing sources key.

Use settings and tasks. Avoid commands. 

Your plugin should fit in naturally with the rest of the sbt ecosystem. The first thing you can do is to avoid defining commands, and use settings and tasks and task-scoping instead (see below for more on task-scoping). Most of the interesting things in sbt like compile, test and publish are provided using tasks. Tasks can take advantage of duplication reduction and parallel execution by the task engine. With features like ScopeFilter, many of the features that previously required commands are now possible using tasks.

Settings can be composed from other settings and tasks. Tasks can be composed from other tasks and input tasks. Commands, on the other hand, cannot be composed from any of the above. In general, use the minimal thing that you need. One legitimate use of commands may be using plugin to access the build definition itself not the code. sbt-inspectr was implemented using a command before it became inspect tree.

Provide core feature in a plain old Scala object 

The core feature of sbt’s package task, for example, is implemented in sbt.Package, which can be called via its apply method. This allows greater reuse of the feature from other plugins such as sbt-assembly, which in return implements sbtassembly.Assembly object to implement its core feature.

Follow their lead, and provide core feature in a plain old Scala object.

Configuration advice 

If your plugin introduces either a new set of source code or its own library dependencies, only then you want your own configuration.

You probably won’t need your own configuration 

Configurations should not be used to namespace keys for a plugin. If you’re merely adding tasks and settings, don’t define your own configuration. Instead, reuse an existing one or scope by the main task (see below).

package sbtwhatever

import sbt._, Keys._

object WhateverPlugin extends sbt.AutoPlugin {
  override def requires = plugins.JvmPlugin
  override def trigger = allRequirements

  object autoImport {
    // BAD sample
    lazy val Whatever = config("whatever") extend(Compile)
    lazy val specificKey = settingKey[String]("A plugin specific key")
  import autoImport._
  override lazy val projectSettings = Seq(
    Whatever / specificKey := "another opinion" // DON'T DO THIS

When to define your own configuration 

If your plugin introduces either a new set of source code or its own library dependencies, only then you want your own configuration. For instance, suppose you’ve built a plugin that performs fuzz testing that requires its own fuzzing library and fuzzing source code. scalaSource key can be reused similar to Compile and Test configuration, but scalaSource scoped to Fuzz configuration (denoted as scalaSource in Fuzz) can point to src/fuzz/scala so it is distinct from other Scala source directories. Thus, these three definitions use the same key, but they represent distinct values. So, in a user’s build.sbt, we might see:

Fuzz / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value / "source" / "fuzz" / "scala"

Compile / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value / "source" / "main" / "scala"

In the fuzzing plugin, this is achieved with an inConfig definition:

package sbtfuzz

import sbt._, Keys._

object FuzzPlugin extends sbt.AutoPlugin {
  override def requires = plugins.JvmPlugin
  override def trigger = allRequirements

  object autoImport {
    lazy val Fuzz = config("fuzz") extend(Compile)
  import autoImport._

  lazy val baseFuzzSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
    test := {
      println("fuzz test")
  override lazy val projectSettings = inConfig(Fuzz)(baseFuzzSettings)

When defining a new type of configuration, e.g.

lazy val Fuzz = config("fuzz") extend(Compile)

should be used to create a configuration. Configurations actually tie into dependency resolution (with Ivy) and can alter generated pom files.

Playing nice with configurations 

Whether you ship with a configuration or not, a plugin should strive to support multiple configurations, including those created by the build user. Some tasks that are tied to a particular configuration can be re-used in other configurations. While you may not see the need immediately in your plugin, some project may and will ask you for the flexibility.

Provide raw settings and configured settings 

Split your settings by the configuration axis like so:

package sbtobfuscate

import sbt._, Keys._

object ObfuscatePlugin extends sbt.AutoPlugin {
  override def requires = plugins.JvmPlugin
  override def trigger = allRequirements

  object autoImport {
    lazy val obfuscate = taskKey[Seq[File]]("obfuscate the source")
    lazy val obfuscateStylesheet = settingKey[File]("obfuscate stylesheet")
  import autoImport._
  lazy val baseObfuscateSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
    obfuscate := Obfuscate((obfuscate / sources).value),
    obfuscate / sources := sources.value
  override lazy val projectSettings = inConfig(Compile)(baseObfuscateSettings)

// core feature implemented here
object Obfuscate {
  def apply(sources: Seq[File]): Seq[File] = {

The baseObfuscateSettings value provides base configuration for the plugin’s tasks. This can be re-used in other configurations if projects require it. The obfuscateSettings value provides the default Compile scoped settings for projects to use directly. This gives the greatest flexibility in using features provided by a plugin. Here’s how the raw settings may be reused:

import sbtobfuscate.ObfuscatePlugin

lazy val app = (project in file("app"))

Scoping advice 

In general, if a plugin provides keys (settings and tasks) with the widest scoping, and refer to them with the narrowest scoping, it will give the maximum flexibility to the build users.

Provide default values in globalSettings 

If the default value of your settings or task does not transitively depend on a project-level settings (such as baseDirectory, compile, etc), define it in globalSettings.

For example, in sbt.Defaults keys related to publishing such as licenses, developers, and scmInfo are all defined at the Global scope, typically to empty values like Nil and None.

package sbtobfuscate

import sbt._, Keys._

object ObfuscatePlugin extends sbt.AutoPlugin {
  override def requires = plugins.JvmPlugin
  override def trigger = allRequirements

  object autoImport {
    lazy val obfuscate = taskKey[Seq[File]]("obfuscate the source")
    lazy val obfuscateOption = settingKey[ObfuscateOption]("options to configure obfuscate")
  import autoImport._
  override lazy val globalSettings = Seq(
    obfuscateOption := ObfuscateOption()

  override lazy val projectSettings = inConfig(Compile)(
    obfuscate := {
        (obfuscate / sources).value,
        (obfuscate / obfuscateOption).value
    obfuscate / sources := sources.value

// core feature implemented here
object Obfuscate {
  def apply(sources: Seq[File], opt: ObfuscateOption): Seq[File] = {

In the above, obfuscateOption is set a default made-up value in the globalSettings; but is used as (obfuscate / obfuscateOption) in the projectSettings. This lets the user either set obfuscate / obfuscateOption at a particular subproject level, or scoped to ThisBuild affecting all subprojects:

ThisBuild / obfuscate / obfuscateOption := ObfuscateOption().withX(true)

Giving keys default values in global scope requires knowing that every key (if any) used to define that key must also be defined in global scope, otherwise it will fail at load time.

Using a “main” task scope for settings 

Sometimes you want to define some settings for a particular “main” task in your plugin. In this instance, you can scope your settings using the task itself. See the baseObfuscateSettings:

  lazy val baseObfuscateSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
    obfuscate := Obfuscate((obfuscate / sources).value),
    obfuscate / sources := sources.value

In the above example, obfuscate / sources is scoped under the main task, obfuscate.

Rewiring existing keys in globalSettings 

There may be times when you need to rewire an existing key in globalSettings. The general rule is be careful what you touch.

Care should be taken to ensure previous settings from other plugins are not ignored. e.g. when creating a new onLoad handler, ensure that the previous onLoad handler is not removed.

package sbtsomething

import sbt._, Keys._

object MyPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
  override def requires = plugins.JvmPlugin
  override def trigger = allRequirements

  override val globalSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
    Global / onLoad := (Global / onLoad).value andThen { state =>
      ... return new state ...