1. Testing sbt plugins

Testing sbt plugins 

Let’s talk about testing. Once you write a plugin, it turns into a long-term thing. To keep adding new features (or to keep fixing bugs), writing tests makes sense.

scripted test framework 

sbt comes with scripted test framework, which lets you script a build scenario. It was written to test sbt itself on complex scenarios — such as change detection and partial compilation:

Now, consider what happens if you were to delete B.scala but do not update A.scala. When you recompile, you should get an error because B no longer exists for A to reference. [… (really complicated stuff)]

The scripted test framework is used to verify that sbt handles cases such as that described above.

The framework is made available via scripted-plugin. The rest of this page explains how to include the scripted-plugin into your plugin.

step 1: snapshot 

Before you start, set your version to a -SNAPSHOT one because scripted-plugin will publish your plugin locally. If you don’t use SNAPSHOT, you could get into a horrible inconsistent state of you and the rest of the world seeing different artifacts.

step 2: SbtPlugin 

Enable SbtPlugin in build.sbt:

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
:= "sbt-something"

Then add the following settings to build.sbt:

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
:= "sbt-something",
:= { scriptedLaunchOpts.value ++
Seq("-Xmx1024M", "-Dplugin.version=" + version.value)
:= false

Note: You must use sbt 1.2.1 and above to use SbtPlugin.

step 3: src/sbt-test 

Make dir structure src/sbt-test/<test-group>/<test-name>. For starters, try something like src/sbt-test/<your-plugin-name>/simple.

Now ready? Create an initial build in simple. Like a real build using your plugin. I’m sure you already have several of them to test manually. Here’s an example build.sbt:

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
:= "0.1",
:= "2.10.6",
/ assemblyJarName := "foo.jar"

In project/plugins.sbt:

sys.props.get("plugin.version") match {
case Some(x) => addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % x)
case _ => sys.error("""|The system property 'plugin.version' is not defined.
                         |Specify this property using the scriptedLaunchOpts -D."""

This a trick I picked up from earldouglas/xsbt-web-plugin@feabb2, which allows us to pass version number into the test.

I also have src/main/scala/hello.scala:

object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

step 4: write a script 

Now, write a script to describe your scenario in a file called test located at the root dir of your test project.

# check if the file gets created
> assembly
$ exists target/scala-2.10/foo.jar

Here is the syntax for the script:

  1. # starts a one-line comment
  2. > name sends a task to sbt (and tests if it succeeds)
  3. $ name arg* performs a file command (and tests if it succeeds)
  4. -> name sends a task to sbt, but expects it to fail
  5. -$ name arg* performs a file command, but expects it to fail

File commands are:

  • touch path+ creates or updates the timestamp on the files
  • delete path+ deletes the files
  • exists path+ checks if the files exist
  • mkdir path+ creates dirs
  • absent path+ checks if the files don’t exist
  • newer source target checks if source is newer
  • must-mirror source target checks if source is identical
  • pause pauses until enter is pressed
  • sleep time sleeps (in milliseconds)
  • exec command args* runs the command in another process
  • copy-file fromPath toPath copies the file
  • copy fromPath+ toDir copies the paths to toDir preserving relative structure
  • copy-flat fromPath+ toDir copies the paths to toDir flat

So my script will run assembly task, and checks if foo.jar gets created. We’ll cover more complex tests later.

step 5: run the script 

To run the scripts, go back to your plugin project, and run:

> scripted

This will copy your test build into a temporary dir, and executes the test script. If everything works out, you’d see publishLocal running, then:

Running sbt-assembly / simple
[success] Total time: 18 s, completed Sep 17, 2011 3:00:58 AM

step 6: custom assertion 

The file commands are great, but not nearly enough because none of them test the actual contents. An easy way to test the contents is to implement a custom task in your test build.

For my hello project, I’d like to check if the resulting jar prints out “hello”. I can take advantage of scala.sys.process.Process to run the jar. To express a failure, just throw an error. Here’s build.sbt:

import scala.sys.process.Process

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
:= "0.1",
:= "2.10.6",
/ assemblyJarName := "foo.jar",
TaskKey[Unit]("check") := {
val process = Process("java", Seq("-jar", (crossTarget.value / "foo.jar").toString))
val out = (process!!)
if (out.trim != "bye") sys.error("unexpected output: " + out)

I am intentionally testing if it matches “bye”, to see how the test fails.

Here’s test:

# check if the file gets created
> assembly
$ exists target/foo.jar

# check if it says hello
> check

Running scripted fails the test as expected:

[info] [error] {file:/private/var/folders/Ab/AbC1EFghIj4LMNOPqrStUV+++XX/-Tmp-/sbt_cdd1b3c4/simple/}default-0314bd/*:check: unexpected output: hello
[info] [error] Total time: 0 s, completed Sep 21, 2011 8:43:03 PM
[error] x sbt-assembly / simple
[error]    {line 6}  Command failed: check failed
[error] {file:/Users/foo/work/sbt-assembly/}default-373f46/*:scripted: sbt-assembly / simple failed
[error] Total time: 14 s, completed Sep 21, 2011 8:00:00 PM

step 7: testing the test 

Until you get the hang of it, it might take a while for the test itself to behave correctly. There are several techniques that may come in handy.

First place to start is turning off the log buffering.

> set scriptedBufferLog := false

This for example should print out the location of the temporary dir:

[info] [info] Set current project to default-c6500b (in build file:/private/var/folders/Ab/AbC1EFghIj4LMNOPqrStUV+++XX/-Tmp-/sbt_8d950687/simple/project/plugins/)

Add the following line to your test script to suspend the test until you hit the enter key:

$ pause

If you’re thinking about going down to the sbt/sbt-test/sbt-foo/simple and running sbt, don’t do it. The right way, is to copy the dir somewhere else and run it.

step 8: get inspired 

There are literally 100+ scripted tests under sbt project itself. Browse around to get inspirations.

For example, here’s the one called by-name.

> compile

# change => Int to Function0
$ copy-file changes/A.scala A.scala

# Both A.scala and B.scala need to be recompiled because the type has changed
-> compile

xsbt-web-plugin and sbt-assembly have some scripted tests too.

That’s it! Let me know about your experience in testing plugins!