object Parser extends ParserMain

Contains Parser implementation helper methods not typically needed for using parsers.

Linear Supertypes
ParserMain, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Parser
  2. ParserMain
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class Failure extends Result[Nothing]
  2. sealed abstract class Result[+T] extends AnyRef
  3. final case class Value[+T](value: T) extends Result[T] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def and[T](a: Parser[T], b: Parser[_]): Parser[T]
  5. def apply[T](p: Parser[T])(s: String): Parser[T]

    Applies parser p to input s.

    Applies parser p to input s.

    Definition Classes
  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  7. def bindParser[A, B](a: Parser[A], f: (A) ⇒ Parser[B]): Parser[B]
  8. def charClass(f: (Char) ⇒ Boolean, label: String = "<unspecified>"): Parser[Char]

    Defines a Parser that parses a single character only if the predicate f returns true for that character.

    Defines a Parser that parses a single character only if the predicate f returns true for that character. If this parser fails, label is used as the failure message.

    Definition Classes
  9. def chars(legal: String): Parser[Char]

    Defines a Parser that parses a single character only if it is contained in legal.

    Defines a Parser that parses a single character only if it is contained in legal.

    Definition Classes
  10. def choiceParser[A, B](a: Parser[A], b: Parser[B]): Parser[Either[A, B]]
  11. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  12. def completions(p: Parser[_], s: String, level: Int): Completions

    Applies parser p to input s and returns the completions at verbosity level.

    Applies parser p to input s and returns the completions at verbosity level. The interpretation of level is up to parser definitions, but 0 is the default by convention, with increasing positive numbers corresponding to increasing verbosity. Typically no more than a few levels are defined.

    Definition Classes
  13. def derive1[T](p: Parser[T], c: Char): Parser[T]

    Applies parser p to a single character of input.

    Applies parser p to a single character of input.

    Definition Classes
  14. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  15. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. def examples[A](a: Parser[A], completions: ExampleSource, maxNumberOfExamples: Int, removeInvalidExamples: Boolean): Parser[A]


    the type of values that are returned by the parser.


    the parser to decorate with a source of examples. All validation and parsing is delegated to this parser, only Parser.completions is modified.


    the source of examples when displaying completions to the user.


    limits the number of examples that the source of examples should return. This can prevent lengthy pauses and avoids bad interactive user experience.


    indicates whether completion examples should be checked for validity (against the given parser). An exception is thrown if the example source contains no valid completion suggestions.

    Definition Classes
  17. def examples[A](a: Parser[A], completions: Set[String], check: Boolean = false): Parser[A]
    Definition Classes
  18. def failure(msg: ⇒ String, definitive: Boolean = false): Parser[Nothing]

    Defines a parser that always fails on any input with message msg.

    Defines a parser that always fails on any input with message msg. If definitive is true, any failures by later alternatives are discarded.

    Definition Classes
  19. def filterParser[T](a: Parser[T], f: (T) ⇒ Boolean, seen: String, msg: (String) ⇒ String): Parser[T]
  20. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  21. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  22. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  23. def homParser[A](a: Parser[A], b: Parser[A]): Parser[A]
    Definition Classes
  24. def invalid(msgs: ⇒ Seq[String], definitive: Boolean = false): Parser[Nothing]

    Defines a parser that always fails on any input with messages msgs.

    Defines a parser that always fails on any input with messages msgs. If definitive is true, any failures by later alternatives are discarded.

    Definition Classes
  25. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  26. implicit def literal(s: String): Parser[String]

    Presents a literal String s as a Parser that only parses that exact text and provides it as the result.

    Presents a literal String s as a Parser that only parses that exact text and provides it as the result.

    Definition Classes
  27. implicit def literal(ch: Char): Parser[Char]

    Presents a single Char ch as a Parser that only parses that exact character.

    Presents a single Char ch as a Parser that only parses that exact character.

    Definition Classes
  28. implicit def literalRichCharParser(c: Char): RichParser[Char]
    Definition Classes
  29. implicit def literalRichStringParser(s: String): RichParser[String]
    Definition Classes
  30. def mapParser[A, B](a: Parser[A], f: (A) ⇒ B): Parser[B]
  31. def matched(t: Parser[_], seen: Vector[Char] = Vector.empty, partial: Boolean = false): Parser[String]
    Definition Classes
  32. def mkFailure(error: ⇒ String, definitive: Boolean = false): Failure
  33. def mkFailures(errors: ⇒ Seq[String], definitive: Boolean = false): Failure
  34. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  35. def not(p: Parser[_], failMessage: String): Parser[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  36. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  37. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  38. def onFailure[T](delegate: Parser[T], msg: String): Parser[T]
  39. def oneOf[T](p: Seq[Parser[T]]): Parser[T]
    Definition Classes
  40. def oneOrMore[T](p: Parser[T]): Parser[Seq[T]]
  41. def opt[T](a: Parser[T]): Parser[Option[T]]
  42. def parse[T](str: String, parser: Parser[T]): Either[String, T]

    Parses input str using parser.

    Parses input str using parser. If successful, the result is provided wrapped in Right. If unsuccessful, an error message is provided in Left.

    Definition Classes
  43. def range(r: NumericRange[Char], label: String): Parser[Char]

    Presents a Char range as a Parser.

    Presents a Char range as a Parser. A single Char is parsed only if it is in the given range.

    Definition Classes
  44. implicit def range(r: NumericRange[Char]): Parser[Char]

    Presents a Char range as a Parser.

    Presents a Char range as a Parser. A single Char is parsed only if it is in the given range.

    Definition Classes
  45. def repeat[T](p: Parser[T], min: Int = 0, max: UpperBound = Infinite): Parser[Seq[T]]
  46. def result[T](p: Parser[T], s: String): Either[() ⇒ (Seq[String], Int), T]
    Definition Classes
  47. implicit def richParser[A](a: Parser[A]): RichParser[A]

    Provides combinators for Parsers.

    Provides combinators for Parsers.

    Definition Classes
  48. def sample(str: String, parser: Parser[_], completions: Boolean = false): Unit

    Convenience method to use when developing a parser.

    Convenience method to use when developing a parser. parser is applied to the input str. If completions is true, the available completions for the input are displayed. Otherwise, the result of parsing is printed using the result's toString method. If parsing fails, the error message is displayed.

    See also sampleParse and sampleCompletions.

    Definition Classes
  49. def sampleCompletions(str: String, parser: Parser[_], level: Int = 1): Unit

    Convenience method to use when developing a parser.

    Convenience method to use when developing a parser. parser is applied to the input str and the available completions are displayed on separate lines. If parsing fails, the error message is displayed.

    Definition Classes
  50. def sampleParse(str: String, parser: Parser[_]): Unit

    Convenience method to use when developing a parser.

    Convenience method to use when developing a parser. parser is applied to the input str and the result of parsing is printed using the result's toString method. If parsing fails, the error message is displayed.

    Definition Classes
  51. def seq[T](p: Seq[Parser[T]]): Parser[Seq[T]]
    Definition Classes
  52. def seq0[T](p: Seq[Parser[T]], errors: ⇒ Seq[String]): Parser[Seq[T]]
    Definition Classes
  53. def seqParser[A, B](a: Parser[A], b: Parser[B]): Parser[(A, B)]
  54. def stringLiteral(s: String, start: Int): Parser[String]
    Definition Classes
  55. def success[T](value: T): Parser[T]

    Defines a parser that always succeeds on empty input with the result value.

    Defines a parser that always succeeds on empty input with the result value.

    Definition Classes
  56. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  57. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  58. def token[T](t: Parser[T], complete: TokenCompletions): Parser[T]
    Definition Classes
  59. def token[T](t: Parser[T], description: String): Parser[T]

    Establishes delegate parser t as a single token of tab completion.

    Establishes delegate parser t as a single token of tab completion. When tab completion of part of this token is requested, description is displayed for suggestions and no completions are ever performed.

    Definition Classes
  60. def token[T](t: Parser[T], hide: (Int) ⇒ Boolean): Parser[T]

    Establishes delegate parser t as a single token of tab completion.

    Establishes delegate parser t as a single token of tab completion. When tab completion of part of this token is requested, no completions are returned if hide returns true for the current tab completion level. Otherwise, the completions provided by the delegate t or a later derivative are appended to the prefix String already seen by this parser.

    Definition Classes
  61. def token[T](t: Parser[T]): Parser[T]

    Establishes delegate parser t as a single token of tab completion.

    Establishes delegate parser t as a single token of tab completion. When tab completion of part of this token is requested, the completions provided by the delegate t or a later derivative are appended to the prefix String already seen by this parser.

    Definition Classes
  62. def tokenDisplay[T](t: Parser[T], display: String): Parser[T]

    Establishes delegate parser t as a single token of tab completion.

    Establishes delegate parser t as a single token of tab completion. When tab completion of part of this token is requested, display is used as the printed suggestion, but the completions from the delegate parser t are used to complete if unambiguous.

    Definition Classes
  63. def trapAndFail[T](delegate: Parser[T]): Parser[T]
  64. def tuple[A, B](a: Option[A], b: Option[B]): Option[(A, B)]
  65. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  66. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  67. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  68. def zeroOrMore[T](p: Parser[T]): Parser[Seq[T]]
  69. object ~

    See unapply.

    See unapply.

    Definition Classes

Inherited from ParserMain

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
