object Keys
Linear Supertypes
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- Keys
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Type Members
- type Classpath = Seq[Attributed[File]]
- type Streams = std.Streams[Def.ScopedKey[_]]
- final class TaskProgress extends AnyRef
- type TaskStreams = std.TaskStreams[Def.ScopedKey[_]]
- type VirtualClasspath = Seq[Attributed[VirtualFile]]
Value Members
!=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
##(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- val TraceValues: String
- val aggregate: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val allCredentials: TaskKey[Seq[Credentials]]
- val allDependencies: TaskKey[Seq[ModuleID]]
- val allExcludeDependencies: SettingKey[Seq[InclExclRule]]
- val allowMachinePath: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val allowZombieClassLoaders: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val analysis: AttributeKey[CompileAnalysis]
- val apiMappings: TaskKey[Map[File, URL]]
- val apiURL: SettingKey[Option[URL]]
- val appConfiguration: SettingKey[AppConfiguration]
- val appResolvers: SettingKey[Option[Seq[Resolver]]]
- val artifact: SettingKey[Artifact]
- val artifactClassifier: SettingKey[Option[String]]
- val artifactName: SettingKey[(ScalaVersion, ModuleID, Artifact) ⇒ String]
- val artifactPath: SettingKey[File]
- val artifacts: SettingKey[Seq[Artifact]]
asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- val asciiGraphWidth: SettingKey[Int]
- val assumedEvictionErrorLevel: SettingKey[util.Level.Value]
- val assumedVersionScheme: SettingKey[String]
- val assumedVersionSchemeJava: SettingKey[String]
- val autoAPIMappings: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val autoCompilerPlugins: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val autoGeneratedProject: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val autoScalaLibrary: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val autoStartServer: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val autoUpdate: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val auxiliaryClassFiles: TaskKey[Seq[AuxiliaryClassFiles]]
- val backendOutput: SettingKey[VirtualFile]
- val baseDirectory: SettingKey[File]
- val bgCopyClasspath: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val bgHashClasspath: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val bgJobService: SettingKey[BackgroundJobService]
- val bgJobServiceDirectory: SettingKey[File]
- val bgList: TaskKey[Seq[JobHandle]]
- val bgRun: InputKey[JobHandle]
- val bgRunMain: InputKey[JobHandle]
- val bgStop: InputKey[Unit]
- val bgWaitFor: InputKey[Unit]
- val bootDependencyResolution: TaskKey[DependencyResolution]
- val bootIvyConfiguration: TaskKey[IvyConfiguration]
- val bootResolvers: TaskKey[Option[Seq[Resolver]]]
- val bspBuildTarget: TaskKey[BuildTarget]
- val bspBuildTargetCleanCache: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspBuildTargetCompile: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspBuildTargetCompileItem: TaskKey[Int]
- val bspBuildTargetDependencySources: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspBuildTargetDependencySourcesItem: TaskKey[DependencySourcesItem]
- val bspBuildTargetJVMRunEnvironment: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspBuildTargetJVMTestEnvironment: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspBuildTargetJvmEnvironmentItem: TaskKey[JvmEnvironmentItem]
- val bspBuildTargetOutputPaths: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspBuildTargetOutputPathsItem: TaskKey[OutputPathsItem]
- val bspBuildTargetResources: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspBuildTargetResourcesItem: TaskKey[ResourcesItem]
- val bspBuildTargetRun: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspBuildTargetScalacOptions: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspBuildTargetScalacOptionsItem: TaskKey[ScalacOptionsItem]
- val bspBuildTargetSources: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspBuildTargetSourcesItem: TaskKey[SourcesItem]
- val bspBuildTargetTest: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspConfig: TaskKey[Unit]
- val bspEnabled: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val bspInternalDependencyConfigurations: SettingKey[Seq[(ProjectRef, Set[ConfigKey])]]
- val bspReporter: TaskKey[BuildServerReporter]
- val bspSbtEnabled: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val bspScalaMainClasses: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspScalaMainClassesItem: TaskKey[ScalaMainClassesItem]
- val bspScalaTestClasses: InputKey[Unit]
- val bspScalaTestClassesItem: TaskKey[Seq[ScalaTestClassesItem]]
- val bspTargetIdentifier: SettingKey[BuildTargetIdentifier]
- val bspWorkspace: SettingKey[Map[BuildTargetIdentifier, Scope]]
- val bspWorkspaceBuildTargets: TaskKey[Seq[BuildTarget]]
- val buildDependencies: SettingKey[BuildDependencies]
- val buildStructure: TaskKey[BuildStructure]
- val cancelable: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val canonicalInput: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val checksums: SettingKey[Seq[String]]
- val classDirectory: SettingKey[File]
- val classLoaderLayeringStrategy: SettingKey[ClassLoaderLayeringStrategy]
- val classifiersModule: TaskKey[GetClassifiersModule]
- val classpathConfiguration: TaskKey[Configuration]
- val classpathEntryDefinesClass: TaskKey[(File) ⇒ DefinesClass]
- val classpathEntryDefinesClassVF: TaskKey[(VirtualFile) ⇒ DefinesClass]
- val classpathOptions: SettingKey[ClasspathOptions]
- val classpathTypes: SettingKey[Set[String]]
- val clean: TaskKey[Unit]
- val cleanFiles: TaskKey[Seq[File]]
- val cleanKeepFiles: SettingKey[Seq[File]]
- val cleanKeepGlobs: SettingKey[Seq[Glob]]
- val cleanupCommands: SettingKey[String]
clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... ) @native()
- val closeClassLoaders: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val collectAnalyses: TaskKey[Unit]
- val colorShellPrompt: SettingKey[(Boolean, State) ⇒ String]
- val commands: SettingKey[Seq[Command]]
- val compatibilityWarningOptions: SettingKey[CompatibilityWarningOptions]
- val compile: TaskKey[CompileAnalysis]
- val compileAnalysisFile: TaskKey[File]
- val compileAnalysisFilename: TaskKey[String]
- val compileAnalysisTargetRoot: SettingKey[File]
- val compileIncSetup: TaskKey[Setup]
- val compileIncremental: TaskKey[CompileResult]
- val compileInputs: TaskKey[Inputs]
- val compileOptions: TaskKey[CompileOptions]
- val compileOrder: SettingKey[CompileOrder]
- val compileProgress: TaskKey[CompileProgress]
- val compilerCache: TaskKey[GlobalsCache]
- val compilers: TaskKey[Compilers]
- val concurrentRestrictions: SettingKey[Seq[Rule]]
- val configuration: SettingKey[Configuration]
- val configurationsToRetrieve: SettingKey[Option[Seq[ConfigRef]]]
- val conflictManager: SettingKey[ConflictManager]
- val conflictWarning: SettingKey[ConflictWarning]
- val connectInput: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val console: TaskKey[Unit]
- val consoleProject: TaskKey[Unit]
- val consoleQuick: TaskKey[Unit]
- val copyResources: TaskKey[Seq[(File, File)]]
- val credentials: TaskKey[Seq[Credentials]]
- val crossJavaVersions: SettingKey[Seq[String]]
- val crossPaths: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val crossSbtVersions: SettingKey[Seq[String]]
- val crossScalaVersions: SettingKey[Seq[String]]
- val crossTarget: SettingKey[File]
- val crossVersion: SettingKey[CrossVersion]
- val csrCacheDirectory: SettingKey[File]
- val csrConfiguration: TaskKey[CoursierConfiguration]
- val csrExtraCredentials: TaskKey[Seq[Credentials]]
- val csrExtraProjects: TaskKey[Seq[lmcoursier.definitions.Project]]
- val csrFallbackDependencies: TaskKey[Seq[FallbackDependency]]
- val csrInterProjectDependencies: TaskKey[Seq[lmcoursier.definitions.Project]]
- val csrLogger: TaskKey[Option[CacheLogger]]
- val csrMavenProfiles: SettingKey[Set[String]]
- val csrProject: TaskKey[lmcoursier.definitions.Project]
- val csrPublications: TaskKey[Seq[(Configuration, Publication)]]
- val csrReconciliations: SettingKey[Seq[(ModuleMatchers, Reconciliation)]]
- val csrRecursiveResolvers: TaskKey[Seq[Resolver]]
- val csrResolvers: TaskKey[Seq[Resolver]]
- val csrSbtResolvers: TaskKey[Seq[Resolver]]
- val defaultConfiguration: SettingKey[Option[Configuration]]
- val definedTestNames: TaskKey[Seq[String]]
- val definedTests: TaskKey[Seq[TestDefinition]]
- val deliver: TaskKey[File]
- val deliverLocal: TaskKey[File]
- val dependencyCacheDirectory: TaskKey[File]
- val dependencyClasspath: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val dependencyClasspathAsJars: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val dependencyOverrides: SettingKey[Seq[ModuleID]]
- val dependencyPicklePath: TaskKey[VirtualClasspath]
- val dependencyPositions: TaskKey[Map[ModuleID, SourcePosition]]
- val dependencyResolution: TaskKey[DependencyResolution]
- val dependencyVirtualClasspath: TaskKey[VirtualClasspath]
- val description: SettingKey[String]
- val developers: SettingKey[List[Developer]]
- val discoveredJavaHomes: SettingKey[Map[String, File]]
- val discoveredMainClasses: TaskKey[Seq[String]]
- val discoveredSbtPlugins: TaskKey[DiscoveredNames]
- val doc: TaskKey[File]
- val docArtifactTypes: SettingKey[Seq[String]]
- val dummyRoots: Task[Seq[Def.ScopedKey[_]]]
- val earlyCompileAnalysisFile: TaskKey[File]
- val earlyCompileAnalysisTargetRoot: SettingKey[File]
- val earlyOutput: SettingKey[VirtualFile]
- val echoInput: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val enableBinaryCompileAnalysis: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val entryApiURL: AttributeKey[URL]
- val envVars: TaskKey[Map[String, String]]
eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- val evicted: TaskKey[EvictionWarning]
- val evictionErrorLevel: SettingKey[util.Level.Value]
- val evictionWarningOptions: SettingKey[EvictionWarningOptions]
- val excludeDependencies: SettingKey[Seq[InclExclRule]]
- val excludeFilter: SettingKey[FileFilter]
- val excludeLintKeys: SettingKey[Set[Def.KeyedInitialize[_]]]
- val executeTests: TaskKey[Output]
- val executionRoots: TaskKey[Seq[Def.ScopedKey[_]]]
- val exportJars: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val exportPipelining: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val exportToInternal: SettingKey[TrackLevel]
- val exportedPickles: TaskKey[VirtualClasspath]
- val exportedProductJars: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val exportedProductJarsIfMissing: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val exportedProductJarsNoTracking: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val exportedProducts: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val exportedProductsIfMissing: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val exportedProductsNoTracking: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val externalDependencyClasspath: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val externalResolvers: TaskKey[Seq[Resolver]]
- val extraAppenders: SettingKey[AppenderSupplier]
- val extraIncOptions: TaskKey[Seq[(String, String)]]
- val fgRun: InputKey[Unit]
- val fgRunMain: InputKey[Unit]
- val fileCacheSize: SettingKey[String]
- val fileConverter: SettingKey[FileConverter]
- val fileInputOptions: SettingKey[Seq[String]]
- val fileMappings: TaskKey[Seq[(File, File)]]
finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
- val forceUpdatePeriod: SettingKey[Option[FiniteDuration]]
- val forcegc: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val fork: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val forkOptions: TaskKey[ForkOptions]
- val fullClasspath: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val fullClasspathAsJars: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val fullJavaHomes: SettingKey[Map[String, File]]
- val fullResolvers: TaskKey[Seq[Resolver]]
- val fullServerHandlers: SettingKey[Seq[ServerHandler]]
getClass(): Class[_]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
- val globalPluginUpdate: TaskKey[UpdateReport]
hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
- val historyPath: SettingKey[Option[File]]
- val homepage: SettingKey[Option[URL]]
- val incOptions: TaskKey[IncOptions]
- val includeFilter: SettingKey[FileFilter]
- val includeLintKeys: SettingKey[Set[Def.KeyedInitialize[_]]]
- val includePluginResolvers: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val initialCommands: SettingKey[String]
- val initialize: SettingKey[Unit]
- val insideCI: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val interactionService: TaskKey[InteractionService]
- val internalConfigurationMap: SettingKey[(Configuration) ⇒ Configuration]
- val internalDependencyAsJars: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val internalDependencyClasspath: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val internalDependencyConfigurations: SettingKey[Seq[(ProjectRef, Set[String])]]
- val internalDependencyPicklePath: TaskKey[VirtualClasspath]
isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
- val isMetaBuild: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val isModule: AttributeKey[Boolean]
- val isSnapshot: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val ivyConfiguration: TaskKey[IvyConfiguration]
- val ivyConfigurations: SettingKey[Seq[Configuration]]
- val ivyLoggingLevel: SettingKey[UpdateLogging]
- val ivyModule: TaskKey[Module]
- val ivyPaths: SettingKey[IvyPaths]
- val ivySbt: TaskKey[IvySbt]
- val ivyValidate: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val ivyXML: SettingKey[NodeSeq]
- val javaHome: SettingKey[Option[File]]
- val javaHomes: SettingKey[Map[String, File]]
- val javaOptions: TaskKey[Seq[String]]
- val javaSource: SettingKey[File]
- val javacOptions: TaskKey[Seq[String]]
- val libraryDependencies: SettingKey[Seq[ModuleID]]
- val libraryDependencySchemes: SettingKey[Seq[ModuleID]]
- val licenses: SettingKey[Seq[(String, URL)]]
- val lintExcludeFilter: SettingKey[(String) ⇒ Boolean]
- val lintIncludeFilter: SettingKey[(String) ⇒ Boolean]
- val lintUnused: InputKey[Unit]
- val lintUnusedKeysOnLoad: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val loadedBuild: SettingKey[LoadedBuild]
- val loadedTestFrameworks: TaskKey[Map[TestFramework, Framework]]
- val localCacheDirectory: SettingKey[File]
- val logBuffered: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val logLevel: SettingKey[util.Level.Value]
- val logManager: SettingKey[LogManager]
- val mainClass: TaskKey[Option[String]]
- val makeIvyXml: TaskKey[File]
- val makeIvyXmlConfiguration: TaskKey[PublishConfiguration]
- val makeIvyXmlLocalConfiguration: TaskKey[PublishConfiguration]
- val makePom: TaskKey[File]
- val makePomConfiguration: SettingKey[MakePomConfiguration]
- val managedClasspath: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val managedDirectory: SettingKey[File]
- val managedResourceDirectories: SettingKey[Seq[File]]
- val managedResources: TaskKey[Seq[File]]
- val managedScalaInstance: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val managedSourceDirectories: SettingKey[Seq[File]]
- val managedSources: TaskKey[Seq[File]]
- val manipulateBytecode: TaskKey[CompileResult]
- val mappings: TaskKey[Seq[(File, String)]]
- val maxErrors: SettingKey[Int]
- val minForcegcInterval: SettingKey[Duration]
- val moduleConfigurations: SettingKey[Seq[ModuleConfiguration]]
- val moduleID: SettingKey[ModuleID]
- val moduleName: SettingKey[String]
- val moduleSettings: TaskKey[ModuleSettings]
- val name: SettingKey[String]
ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- val normalizedName: SettingKey[String]
notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
- val offline: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val onComplete: SettingKey[() ⇒ Unit]
- val onLoad: SettingKey[(State) ⇒ State]
- val onLoadMessage: SettingKey[String]
- val onUnload: SettingKey[(State) ⇒ State]
- val organization: SettingKey[String]
- val organizationHomepage: SettingKey[Option[URL]]
- val organizationName: SettingKey[String]
- val otherResolvers: TaskKey[Seq[Resolver]]
- val outputStrategy: SettingKey[Option[OutputStrategy]]
- val overrideBuildResolvers: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val package: TaskKey[File]
- val packageBin: TaskKey[File]
- val packageCache: TaskKey[File]
- val packageConfiguration: TaskKey[Configuration]
- val packageDoc: TaskKey[File]
- val packageOptions: TaskKey[Seq[PackageOption]]
- val packageSrc: TaskKey[File]
- val packageTimestamp: SettingKey[Option[Long]]
- val packagedArtifact: TaskKey[(Artifact, File)]
- val packagedArtifacts: TaskKey[Map[Artifact, File]]
- val parallelExecution: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val persistJarClasspath: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val persistLogLevel: SettingKey[util.Level.Value]
- val persistTraceLevel: SettingKey[Int]
- val pickleProducts: TaskKey[Seq[VirtualFile]]
- val pluginCrossBuild: TaskKey[Unit]
- val pluginData: TaskKey[PluginData]
- val pollInterval: SettingKey[FiniteDuration]
- val pomAllRepositories: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val pomExtra: SettingKey[NodeSeq]
- val pomIncludeRepository: SettingKey[(MavenRepository) ⇒ Boolean]
- val pomPostProcess: SettingKey[(scala.xml.Node) ⇒ scala.xml.Node]
- val previousCompile: TaskKey[PreviousResult]
- val printWarnings: TaskKey[Unit]
- val productDirectories: TaskKey[Seq[File]]
- val products: TaskKey[Seq[File]]
- val progressReports: SettingKey[Seq[TaskProgress]]
- val projectCommand: AttributeKey[Boolean]
- val projectDependencies: TaskKey[Seq[ModuleID]]
- val projectDescriptors: TaskKey[Map[ModuleRevisionId, ModuleDescriptor]]
- val projectID: SettingKey[ModuleID]
- val projectInfo: SettingKey[ModuleInfo]
- val projectResolver: TaskKey[Resolver]
- val ps: TaskKey[Seq[JobHandle]]
- val publish: TaskKey[Unit]
- val publishArtifact: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val publishConfiguration: TaskKey[PublishConfiguration]
- val publishLocal: TaskKey[Unit]
- val publishLocalConfiguration: TaskKey[PublishConfiguration]
- val publishM2: TaskKey[Unit]
- val publishM2Configuration: TaskKey[PublishConfiguration]
- val publishMavenStyle: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val publishTo: TaskKey[Option[Resolver]]
- val publisher: TaskKey[Publisher]
- val pullRemoteCache: TaskKey[Unit]
- val pushRemoteCache: TaskKey[Unit]
- val pushRemoteCacheArtifact: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val pushRemoteCacheConfiguration: TaskKey[PublishConfiguration]
- val pushRemoteCacheTo: SettingKey[Option[Resolver]]
- val releaseNotesURL: SettingKey[Option[URL]]
- val remoteCacheArtifact: TaskKey[RemoteCacheArtifact]
- val remoteCacheArtifacts: TaskKey[Seq[RemoteCacheArtifact]]
- val remoteCacheId: TaskKey[String]
- val remoteCacheIdCandidates: TaskKey[Seq[String]]
- val remoteCachePom: TaskKey[File]
- val remoteCacheProjectId: TaskKey[ModuleID]
- val remoteCacheResolvers: SettingKey[Seq[Resolver]]
- val reportAbsolutePath: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val reresolveSbtArtifacts: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val resolvedScoped: SettingKey[Def.ScopedKey[_]]
- val resolvers: SettingKey[Seq[Resolver]]
- val resourceDirectories: SettingKey[Seq[File]]
- val resourceDirectory: SettingKey[File]
- val resourceGenerators: SettingKey[Seq[Task[Seq[File]]]]
- val resourceManaged: SettingKey[File]
- val resources: TaskKey[Seq[File]]
- val retrieveConfiguration: SettingKey[Option[RetrieveConfiguration]]
- val retrieveManaged: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val retrieveManagedSync: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val retrievePattern: SettingKey[String]
- val rootPaths: SettingKey[Map[String, Path]]
- val run: InputKey[Unit]
- val runBefore: AttributeKey[Seq[Task[_]]]
- val runMain: InputKey[Unit]
- val runner: TaskKey[ScalaRun]
- val sLog: SettingKey[Logger]
- val sbtBinaryVersion: SettingKey[String]
- val sbtDependency: SettingKey[ModuleID]
- val sbtPlugin: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val sbtPluginPublishLegacyMavenStyle: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val sbtResolver: SettingKey[Resolver]
- val sbtResolvers: SettingKey[Seq[Resolver]]
- val sbtVersion: SettingKey[String]
- val scalaArtifacts: SettingKey[Seq[String]]
- val scalaBinaryVersion: SettingKey[String]
- val scalaCompilerBridgeBinaryJar: TaskKey[Option[File]]
- val scalaCompilerBridgeDependencyResolution: TaskKey[DependencyResolution]
- val scalaCompilerBridgeResolvers: TaskKey[Seq[Resolver]]
- val scalaCompilerBridgeScope: TaskKey[Unit]
- val scalaCompilerBridgeSource: SettingKey[ModuleID]
- val scalaHome: SettingKey[Option[File]]
- val scalaInstance: TaskKey[ScalaInstance]
- val scalaInstanceTopLoader: SettingKey[ClassLoader]
- val scalaModuleInfo: SettingKey[Option[ScalaModuleInfo]]
- val scalaOrganization: SettingKey[String]
- val scalaSource: SettingKey[File]
- val scalaVersion: SettingKey[String]
- val scalacOptions: TaskKey[Seq[String]]
- val scmInfo: SettingKey[Option[ScmInfo]]
- val selectMainClass: TaskKey[Option[String]]
- val semanticdbCompilerPlugin: SettingKey[ModuleID]
- val semanticdbEnabled: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val semanticdbIncludeInJar: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val semanticdbOptions: SettingKey[Seq[String]]
- val semanticdbTargetRoot: SettingKey[File]
- val semanticdbVersion: SettingKey[String]
- val serverAuthentication: SettingKey[Set[ServerAuthentication]]
- val serverConnectionType: SettingKey[ConnectionType]
- val serverHandlers: SettingKey[Seq[ServerHandler]]
- val serverHost: SettingKey[String]
- val serverIdleTimeout: SettingKey[Option[FiniteDuration]]
- val serverLog: TaskKey[Unit]
- val serverPort: SettingKey[Int]
- val serverUseJni: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val sessionSettings: AttributeKey[SessionSettings]
- val sessionVars: AttributeKey[Map]
- val settingsData: TaskKey[SS]
- val shellPrompt: SettingKey[(State) ⇒ String]
- val showSuccess: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val showTiming: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val skip: TaskKey[Boolean]
- val sourceArtifactTypes: SettingKey[Seq[String]]
- val sourceDirectories: SettingKey[Seq[File]]
- val sourceDirectory: SettingKey[File]
- val sourceGenerators: SettingKey[Seq[Task[Seq[File]]]]
- val sourceManaged: SettingKey[File]
- val sourcePositionMappers: TaskKey[Seq[(Position) ⇒ Option[Position]]]
- val sources: TaskKey[Seq[File]]
- val sourcesInBase: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val startYear: SettingKey[Option[Int]]
- val state: TaskKey[State]
- val stateBuildStructure: AttributeKey[BuildStructure]
- val stateCompilerCache: AttributeKey[GlobalsCache]
- val stateStreams: AttributeKey[Streams]
- val streams: TaskKey[TaskStreams]
- val streamsManager: TaskKey[std.Streams[Def.ScopedKey[_]]]
- val superShellMaxTasks: SettingKey[Int]
- val superShellSleep: SettingKey[FiniteDuration]
- val superShellThreshold: SettingKey[FiniteDuration]
- val suppressSbtShellNotification: SettingKey[Boolean]
synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- val tags: SettingKey[Seq[(Tag, Int)]]
- val target: SettingKey[File]
- val taskDefinitionKey: AttributeKey[Def.ScopedKey[_]]
- val taskTemporaryDirectory: SettingKey[File]
- val tastyFiles: TaskKey[Seq[File]]
- val templateDescriptions: SettingKey[Seq[(String, String)]]
- val templateResolverInfos: SettingKey[Seq[TemplateResolverInfo]]
- val templateRunLocal: InputKey[Unit]
- val terminal: TaskKey[Terminal]
- val test: TaskKey[Unit]
- val testExecution: TaskKey[Execution]
- val testFilter: TaskKey[(Seq[String]) ⇒ Seq[(String) ⇒ Boolean]]
- val testForkedParallel: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val testFrameworks: SettingKey[Seq[TestFramework]]
- val testGrouping: TaskKey[Seq[Group]]
- val testListeners: TaskKey[Seq[TestReportListener]]
- val testLoader: TaskKey[ClassLoader]
- val testOnly: InputKey[Unit]
- val testOptions: TaskKey[Seq[TestOption]]
- val testQuick: InputKey[Unit]
- val testResultLogger: SettingKey[TestResultLogger]
- val thisProject: SettingKey[ResolvedProject]
- val thisProjectRef: SettingKey[ProjectRef]
- val timingFormat: SettingKey[DateFormat]
toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- val traceLevel: SettingKey[Int]
- val trackInternalDependencies: SettingKey[TrackLevel]
- val transformState: AttributeKey[(State) ⇒ State]
- val transitiveClassifiers: SettingKey[Seq[String]]
- val transitiveUpdate: TaskKey[Seq[UpdateReport]]
- val trapExit: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val triggeredBy: AttributeKey[Seq[Task[_]]]
- val turbo: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val unmanagedBase: SettingKey[File]
- val unmanagedClasspath: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val unmanagedJars: TaskKey[Classpath]
- val unmanagedResourceDirectories: SettingKey[Seq[File]]
- val unmanagedResources: TaskKey[Seq[File]]
- val unmanagedSourceDirectories: SettingKey[Seq[File]]
- val unmanagedSources: TaskKey[Seq[File]]
- val unresolvedWarningConfiguration: TaskKey[UnresolvedWarningConfiguration]
- val update: TaskKey[UpdateReport]
- val updateCacheName: TaskKey[String]
- val updateClassifiers: TaskKey[UpdateReport]
- val updateConfiguration: SettingKey[UpdateConfiguration]
- val updateFull: TaskKey[UpdateReport]
- val updateOptions: SettingKey[UpdateOptions]
- val updateSbtClassifiers: TaskKey[UpdateReport]
- val useCoursier: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val useJCenter: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val useLog4J: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val usePipelining: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val useScalaReplJLine: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val useSuperShell: SettingKey[Boolean]
- val version: SettingKey[String]
- val versionScheme: SettingKey[Option[String]]
wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... )
wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... )
wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... ) @native()
- val watchAntiEntropy: SettingKey[FiniteDuration]
- val watchService: SettingKey[() ⇒ WatchService]
- val watchSources: TaskKey[Seq[WatchSource]]
- val windowsServerSecurityLevel: SettingKey[Int]
- val zincCompilationListeners: SettingKey[Seq[RunProfiler]]
- object TaskProgress
Deprecated Value Members
extraLoggers: SettingKey[(Def.ScopedKey[_]) ⇒ Seq[Appender]]
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 1.4.0)
triggeredMessage: SettingKey[(WatchState) ⇒ String]
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 1.3.0) Use watchTriggeredMessage instead
watch: SettingKey[Watched]
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 1.3.0) This is no longer used for continuous execution
watchTransitiveSources: TaskKey[Seq[WatchSource]]
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 1.3.0) This is for legacy builds only and will be removed in a future version of sbt
watchingMessage: SettingKey[(WatchState) ⇒ String]
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 1.3.0) Use watchStartMessage instead