/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2006-2009 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ // $Id: ClassPath.scala 18549 2009-08-22 23:29:38Z extempore $ package scala.tools.nsc package util import java.io.File import java.net.URL import java.util.StringTokenizer import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.tools.nsc.io.AbstractFile /** <p> * This module provides star expansion of '-classpath' option arguments. * </p> * * @author Stepan Koltsov */ object ClassPath { /** Expand single path entry */ private def expandStar(pattern: String): List[String] = { def nameMatchesStar(name: String) = name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") /** Get all jars in directory */ def lsJars(f: File) = { val list = f.listFiles() if (list eq null) Nil else list.filter(f => f.isFile() && nameMatchesStar(f.getName())).map(_.getPath()).toList } val suffix = File.separator + "*" if (pattern == "*") lsJars(new File(".")) else if (pattern endsWith suffix) lsJars(new File(pattern.substring(0, pattern.length - suffix.length))) else pattern :: Nil } /** Split path using platform-dependent path separator */ def splitPath(path: String): List[String] = path split File.pathSeparator toList /** Expand path with expanding stars */ def expandPath(path: String): List[String] = splitPath(path).flatMap(expandStar(_)) def expandPath(path: String, expandStar: Boolean): List[String] = if (expandStar) expandPath(path) else splitPath(path) } /** <p> * Richer classpath abstraction than files. * </p> * <p> * Roughly based on Eclipse's classpath abstractions. * </p> * * @author Sean McDirmid */ class ClassPath(onlyPresentation: Boolean) { def this() = this(false) class Source(val location: AbstractFile, val compile: Boolean) { // assert(location != null, "cannot find source location") // assert(location.getFile() != null, "cannot find source location " + " " + location + " " + location.getClass()) override def toString(): String = "" + location + " " + compile } abstract class Entry(val location: AbstractFile) { // assert(location != null, "cannot find classpath location") // assert(location.getFile() != null, "cannot find classpath location " + " " + location + " " + location.getClass()) def source: Source override def toString() = (if (location == null) "<none>" else location.toString) + (if (source == null) "" else " source=" + source) } class Output(location0: AbstractFile, val sourceFile: AbstractFile) extends Entry(location0) { def source = if (sourceFile ne null) new Source(sourceFile, true) else null } class Library(location0: AbstractFile) extends Entry(location0) { def doc: AbstractFile = null def sourceFile: AbstractFile = null def source = if (sourceFile eq null) null else new Source(sourceFile, false) } class Context(val entries: List[Entry]) { def find(name: String, isDir: Boolean): Context = if (isPackage) { def find0(entries: List[Entry]): Context = { if (entries.isEmpty) new Context(Nil) else { val ret = find0(entries.tail) val head = entries.head; val name0 = name + (if (!isDir) ".class" else "") val clazz = if (head.location eq null) null else head.location.lookupPath(name0, isDir) val source0 = if (head.source eq null) null else if ((clazz eq null) || isDir) { val source1 = head.source.location.lookupPath( name + (if (isDir) "" else ".scala"), isDir) if ((source1 eq null) && !isDir && (clazz ne null)) head.source.location else source1 } else head.source.location if ((clazz eq null) && (source0 eq null)) ret else { val entry = new Entry(clazz) { override def source = if (source0 eq null) null else new Source(source0, head.source.compile) } try { //Console.err.println("this=" + this + "\nclazz=" + clazz + "\nsource0=" + source0 + "\n") if (!isDir) new Context(entry :: Nil) else new Context(entry :: ret.entries) } catch { case e: Error => throw e } } } } val ret = find0(entries) if (ret.entries.isEmpty) { //Console.err.println("BAD_FILE: " + name + " in " + this) null } else ret } else null def isPackage: Boolean = if (entries.isEmpty) false else if (entries.head.location ne null) entries.head.location.isDirectory else entries.head.source.location.isDirectory def name = if (entries.isEmpty) "<none>" else { val head = entries.head val name = if (head.location ne null) head.location.name else head.source.location.name if (isPackage) name else name.substring(0, name.length() - (".class").length()) } override def toString(): String = toString(entries) def toString(entry: Entry): String = ((if (entry.location eq null) "<none>" else entry.location.toString()) + (if (entry.source eq null) "" else " with_source=" + entry.source.location.toString())) def toString(entries0: List[Entry]): String = if (entries0.isEmpty) "" else toString(entries0.head) + ":::" + toString(entries0.tail) def isSourceFile = { def head = entries.head def clazz = head.location def source = if (head.source eq null) null else head.source.location def isPredef = source.name.equals("Predef.scala") || source.path.startsWith("scala/runtime") if (entries.isEmpty || entries.isEmpty || (source eq null)) false else if (!onlyPresentation && !head.source.compile) false else if (source.isDirectory) false else if (clazz eq null) true else if (onlyPresentation && !isPredef) true else if (source.lastModified > clazz.lastModified) true else false } def sourceFile = if ((entries.head.source ne null) && !entries.head.source.location.isDirectory) entries.head.source.location else null def classFile = if (!isSourceFile) entries.head.location else null def sourcePath = if (!isSourceFile && !entries.isEmpty && (entries.head.source ne null)) { val ret = entries.head.source.location if ((ret ne null) && !ret.isDirectory) { Console.err.println("source path " + ret + " is not a directory") null } else ret } else null def validPackage(name: String): Boolean = ! (name.equals("META-INF") || name.startsWith(".")) } class Build { val entries = new ArrayBuffer[Entry] def root = new Context(entries.toList) def this(classpath: String) { this() addFilesInPath(classpath) } def this(source: String, output: String) { this() addDirsInPath(source, output) } def this(classpath: String, source: String, output: String, boot: String, extdirs: String, codebase: String) { this() addFilesInPath(boot) addArchivesInExtDirPath(extdirs) addDirsInPath(source, output) addFilesInPath(classpath) addURLsInPath(codebase) } /** * Lookup the given path in this classpath. Returns null if not found. * Does not work with absolute paths (starting with '/'). * * @param path Path to look up (if isDir is false, '.class' is appended!). * @param isDir Whether to look for a directory or a file * @return The abstract file or null if path was not found */ def lookupPath(path: String, isDir: Boolean): AbstractFile = { val ctx = root.find(path, isDir) if (ctx eq null) null else if (ctx.entries.isEmpty) null else if (ctx.entries.head eq null) null else ctx.entries.head.location } /** * @param classes where the class files come from and are written to * @param sources where the source files come from */ def output(classes : String, sources : String) = { assert(classes ne null) assert(sources ne null) val location = AbstractFile.getDirectory(classes) val sources0 = AbstractFile.getDirectory(sources) class Output0 extends Output(location, sources0) entries += new Output0() } /** * @param classes where the class files come from * @param sources optional source file attachment, otherwise null */ def library(classes: String, sources: String) { assert(classes ne null) val location = AbstractFile.getDirectory(classes) var sourceFile0 = if (sources ne null) AbstractFile.getDirectory(sources) else null if (sourceFile0 ne null) { val file00 = sourceFile0.lookupPath("src", true) if ((file00 ne null) && file00.isDirectory) { sourceFile0 = file00 } } class Library0 extends Library(location) { override def sourceFile = sourceFile0 } entries += new Library0() } private def addFilesInPath(path: String) { for (fileName <- ClassPath.expandPath(path)) { val file = AbstractFile.getDirectory(fileName) if (file ne null) entries += (new Library(file)) } } private def addArchivesInExtDirPath(path: String) { for (fileName <- ClassPath.expandPath(path)) { val file = AbstractFile.getDirectory(fileName) if (file ne null) { for (file0 <- file) { val name = file0.name if (name.endsWith(".jar") || name.endsWith(".zip") || file0.isDirectory) { val archive = AbstractFile.getDirectory(new File(file.file, name)) if (archive ne null) entries += (new Library(archive)) } } } } } private def addDirsInPath(source: String, output: String) { val clazzes = AbstractFile.getDirectory(output) if (clazzes eq null) throw new FatalError("Output location \"" + output + "\" not found") val strtok = new StringTokenizer(source, File.pathSeparator) if (!strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { val output0 = (new Output(clazzes, null)) entries += output0 } else while (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { val sources = AbstractFile.getDirectory(strtok.nextToken()) val output0 = (new Output(clazzes, sources)) entries += output0 } } private val urlSeparator = " " private def addURLsInPath(codebase: String) { val strtok = new StringTokenizer(codebase, urlSeparator) while (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { try { val url = new URL(strtok.nextToken()) val archive = AbstractFile.getURL(url) if (archive ne null) entries += (new Library(archive)) } catch { case e => Console.println("error in addURLsInPath: " + e.getMessage)//debug throw e } } } override def toString() = entries.toList.mkString("", File.pathSeparator, "") } // class Build }