/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2009 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ // $Id: DataFlowAnalysis.scala 18387 2009-07-24 15:28:37Z odersky $ package scala.tools.nsc package backend.icode.analysis import scala.collection.mutable.{Map, HashMap, Set, HashSet, LinkedHashSet} /** A generic framework for data flow analysis. */ trait DataFlowAnalysis[L <: CompleteLattice] { /** A type for program points. */ type P <: ProgramPoint[P] val lattice: L val worklist: Set[P] = new LinkedHashSet val in: Map[P, lattice.Elem] = new HashMap val out: Map[P, lattice.Elem] = new HashMap val visited: HashSet[P] = new HashSet /** collect statistics? */ var stat = true /** the number of times we iterated before reaching a fixpoint. */ var iterations = 0 /* Implement this function to initialize the worklist. */ def init(f: => Unit): Unit = { iterations = 0 in.clear; out.clear; worklist.clear; visited.clear; f } /** Reinitialize, but keep the old solutions. Should be used when reanalyzing the * same method, after some code transformation. */ def reinit(f: => Unit): Unit = { iterations = 0 worklist.clear; visited.clear; f } def run: Unit /** Implements forward dataflow analysis: the transfer function is * applied when inputs to a Program point change, to obtain the new * output value. * * @param f the transfer function. */ def forwardAnalysis(f: (P, lattice.Elem) => lattice.Elem): Unit = try { while (!worklist.isEmpty) { if (stat) iterations += 1 //Console.println("worklist in: " + worklist); val point = worklist.iterator.next; worklist -= point; visited += point; //Console.println("taking out point: " + point + " worklist out: " + worklist); val output = f(point, in(point)) if ((lattice.bottom == out(point)) || output != out(point)) { // Console.println("Output changed at " + point // + " from: " + out(point) + " to: " + output // + " for input: " + in(point) + " and they are different: " + (output != out(point))) out(point) = output val succs = point.successors succs foreach { p => if (!worklist.contains(p)) worklist += p; in(p) = lattice.lub(/*in(p) :: */(p.predecessors map out.apply)) } } } } catch { case e: NoSuchElementException => Console.println("in: " + in.mkString("", "\n", "")) Console.println("out: " + out.mkString("", "\n", "")) e.printStackTrace Predef.error("Could not find element " + e.getMessage) } /** ... * * @param f ... */ def backwardAnalysis(f: (P, lattice.Elem) => lattice.Elem): Unit = while (!worklist.isEmpty) { if (stat) iterations += 1 val point = worklist.iterator.next; worklist -= point out(point) = lattice.lub(point.successors map in.apply) val input = f(point, out(point)) if ((lattice.bottom == in(point)) || input != in(point)) { in(point) = input point.predecessors foreach { p => if (!worklist.contains(p)) worklist += p; } } } }