Rpm Plugin

RedHat rpm files support a number of very advanced features. To take full advantage of this environment, it’s best to understand how the rpm package system works. How to create an RPM package on the fedora project wiki is a good tutorial, but it focuses on building packages from source. The sbt-native-packager assumes that SBT has built your source and generated binary packages.


The rpm plugin depends on the Linux Plugin.


You need the following applications installed

  • rpm

  • rpm-build


sbt Rpm/packageBin

Required Settings

A rpm package needs some mandatory settings to be valid. Make sure you have these settings in your build:

rpmVendor := "typesafe"

1.0 or higher

Enables the rpm plugin


0.8 or lower

For this versions rpm packaging is automatically activated. See the Getting Started page for information on how to enable sbt native packager.


Settings and Tasks inherited from parent plugins can be scoped with Rpm.

Rpm / linuxPackageMappings := linuxPackageMappings.value


Informational Settings

Rpm / packageName

The name of the package for the rpm. Its value defines the first component of the rpm file name (packageName-version-rpmRelease.packageArchitecture.rpm), as well as the Name: tag in the spec file. Its default value is drawn from Linux / packageName.

Rpm / version

The version of the package for rpm. Takes the form x.y.z, and note that there can be no dashes in this version string. It defines the second component of the rpm file name (packageName-version-rpmRelease.packageArchitecture.rpm), as well as the Version: tag in the spec file. Its default value is drawn from the project defined version.


The release number is the package’s version. When the sofware is first packaged at a particular version, the release should be "1". If the software is repackaged at the same version, the release number should be incremented, and dropped back to "1" when the software version is new. Its value defines the third component of the rpm file name (packageName-version-rpmRelease.packageArchitecture.rpm), as well as the Release: tag in the spec file. Its default value is "1".

Rpm / packageArchitecture

The build architecture for the binary rpm. Its value defines the fourth component of the rpm file name (packageName-version-rpmRelease.packageArchitecture.rpm), as well as the BuildArch: tag in the spec file. Its default value is "noarch".

Rpm / packageSummary

A brief, one-line summary of the package. Note: the summary must not contain line separators or end in a period. Its value defines the Summary: tag in the spec file, and its default value is drawn from Linux / packageSummary.

Rpm / packageDescription

A longer, multi-line description of the package. Its value defines the %description block in the spec file, and its default value is drawn from Linux / packageDescription.


The name of the company/user generating the RPM.


A url associated with the software in the RPM.


The license associated with software in the RPM.


The epoch is the most significant number used when resolving different versions for the same RPM. For a given package, packages with the highest epoch will be used, and in the event of a tie it will fall back to comparing the version and release.

Rpm / packageBin / artifactPath

The location of the generated RPM.

Dependency Settings


Enable or disable the automatic processing of required packages. Takes the form "yes" or "no", defaults to "yes". Defines the AutoReq: tag in the spec file.


The RPM packages that are required to be installed for this RPM to work.


Enable or disable the automatic processing of provided packages. Takes the form "yes" or "no", defaults to "yes". Defines the AutoProv: tag in the spec file.


The RPM package names that this RPM provides.


The RPM packages this RPM needs before installation


The packages this RPM allows you to remove


The packages this RPM conflicts with and cannot be installed with.


Run rpmbuild via Linux setarch command. Use this for cross-platform builds.

Meta Settings


The path passed set as the base for the revocable package


External file to be imported and used to generate the changelog of the RPM.

Scriptlet Settings

Rpm / maintainerScripts

Contains the scriptlets being injected into the specs file. Currently supports all previous scriptlets: %pretrans, %pre, %verifyscript%, %post, %posttrans, %preun and %postun


appends __os_install_post scriptlet to rpmPre avoiding jar repackaging

SystemV Start Script Settings


File name of the log generated by application daemon.


The Rpm plugin support grants the following commands:


Generates the .rpm package for this project.


Generates the .rpm file and runs the rpmlint command to look for issues in the package. Useful for debugging.


Rpm Prefix

The rpm prefix allows you to create a relocatable package as defined by http://www.rpm.org/max-rpm/s1-rpm-reloc-prefix-tag.html. This optional setting with a handful of overrides to scriptlets and templates will allow you to create a working java_server archetype that can be relocated in the file system.

Example Settings:

defaultLinuxInstallLocation := "/opt/package_root",
rpmPrefix := Some(defaultLinuxInstallLocation),
linuxPackageSymlinks := Seq.empty,
defaultLinuxLogsLocation := defaultLinuxInstallLocation + "/" + name


The rpmChangelogFile property allows you to set a source that will be imported and used on the RPM generation. So if you use rpm commands to see the changelog it brings that information. You have to create the content in the changelog file using the RPM conventions that are available here http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines#Changelogs.

Example Settings:

changelog := "changelog.txt"

rpmChangelogFile := Some(changelog)
* Sun Aug 24 2014 Team <[email protected]> - 1.1.0
-Allow to login using social networks
* Wed Aug 20 2014 Team <[email protected]> - 1.0.1
-Vulnerability fix.
* Tue Aug 19 2014 Team <[email protected]> - 1.0.0
-First version of the system

Scriptlet Changes

Changing scriptlets can be done in two ways:

  1. Override the Rpm / maintainerScripts, or

  2. Place new scripts in the src/rpm/scriptlets

To override the ``Rpm / maintainerScripts`` you can override the command string explicitly, create a command string using appends and/or replacements, or even get a command string from a file source.

For example:

// overriding
import RpmConstants._
Rpm / maintainerScripts := Map(
  Pre -> Seq("""echo "pre-install""""),
  Post -> Seq("""echo "post-install""""),
  Pretrans -> Seq("""echo "pretrans""""),
  Posttrans -> Seq("""echo "posttrans""""),
  Preun -> Seq("""echo "pre-uninstall""""),
  Postun -> Seq("""echo "post-uninstall"""")

// appending with strings and replacements
import RpmConstants._
Rpm / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Rpm / maintainerScripts).value)(
   Pretrans -> "echo 'hello, world'",
   Post -> s"echo 'installing ${(Rpm / packageName).value}'"

// appending from a different file
import RpmConstants._
Rpm / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppendFromFile((Rpm / maintainerScripts).value)(
   Pretrans -> (sourceDirectory.value / "rpm" / "pretrans"),
   Post -> (sourceDirectory.value / "rpm" / "posttrans")

The helper methods can be found in MaintainerScriptHelper Scaladocs.

To place new scripts in the src/rpm/scriptlets folder you simply put the commands into the appropriate scriptlet file. (The scriptlet file names can be found in the RPM Scaladocs.)


echo "PACKAGE_PREFIX=${RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX}" > /etc/sysconfig/${{app_name}}


rm /etc/sysconfig/${{app_name}}

Using scriptlet files like this will override all previous contents.

Scriptlet Migration from 1.0.x


rpmPostun := rpmPost.value.map { content =>
     |echo "I append this to the current content
  }.orElse {
   Option("""echo "There wasn't any previous content"


// this gives you easy access to the correct keys
import RpmConstants._
// in order to append you have to pass the initial maintainerScripts map
Rpm / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Rpm / maintainerScripts).value)(
   Pretrans -> "echo 'hello, world'",
   Post -> s"echo 'installing ${(Rpm / packageName).value}'"

Jar Repackaging

RPM repackages jars by default in order to optimize jars. Repacking is turned off by default. In order to enable it, set:

rpmBrpJavaRepackJars := true

Note that this appends content to your Pre definition, so make sure not to override it. For more information on this topic follow these links:

Marking config files as noreplace

By default, rpm replaces config files on disk when the content has changed between two version. Often, this is not desirable as configurations are often customized and should not change during updates. rpm provides a means to turn of the default behaviour by marking config files as noreplace in the spec file. In order to enable this for the build, we provide a helper method that can be used to modify all config file mappings:

Rpm / linuxPackageMappings := configWithNoReplace((Rpm / linuxPackageMappings).value)

This will mark all config files as noreplace and prevent them from being changed during updates. Please note that the linuxPackageMappings are scoped to the Rpm plugin. This is necessary in order to catch all config files relevant to the rpm package and mark them correctly.