sbt User Guide
sbt is a build tool for Scala, Java, and more. It requires JDK 8 or later.
See Installing sbt for the setup instructions.
Getting Started
To get started, please read the Getting Started Guide. You will save yourself a lot of time if you have the right understanding of the big picture up-front. All documentation may be found via the table of contents included on the left of every page.
See How can I get help? for where you can get help about sbt. For discussing sbt development, use Discussions.
Features of sbt
- Little or no configuration required for simple projects
- Scala-based build definition that can use the full flexibility of Scala code
- Accurate incremental recompilation using information extracted from the compiler
- Library management support using Coursier
- Continuous compilation and testing with triggered execution
- Supports mixed Scala/Java projects
- Supports testing with ScalaCheck, specs, and ScalaTest. JUnit is supported by a plugin.
- Starts the Scala REPL with project classes and dependencies on the classpath
- Modularization supported with sub-projects
- External project support (list a git repository as a dependency!)
- Parallel task execution, including parallel test execution
This documentation can be forked on GitHub. Feel free to make corrections and add documentation.
Documentation for 0.13.x has been archived here. This documentation applies to sbt $app_version$.