How to write hello world


I want to write a hello world program in Scala, and run it.


  1. Create a fresh directory, like hello_scala/

  2. Create a directory named project/ under hello_scala/, and create project/ with

  3. Under hello_scala/, create build.sbt:

    scalaVersion := "3.6.4"
  4. Under hello_scala/, create Hello.scala:

     @main def main(args: String*): Unit =
       println(s"Hello ${args.mkString}")
  5. Navigate to hello_scala/ from the terminal, and run sbt:

    $ sbt
  6. When the prompt appears, type run:

    sbt:hello_scala> run
  7. Type exit to exit the sbt shell:

    sbt:hello_scala> exit


When you're in a hurry, you can run sbt init in a fresh directory, and select the first template.