Creating a new build
To start a new build with sbt
, use sbt new
$ mkdir /tmp/foo
$ cd /tmp/foo
$ sbt new
Welcome to sbt new!
Here are some templates to get started:
a) scala/toolkit.local - Scala Toolkit (beta) by Scala Center and VirtusLab
b) typelevel/toolkit.local - Toolkit to start building Typelevel apps
c) sbt/cross-platform.local - A cross-JVM/JS/Native project
d) scala/scala3.g8 - Scala 3 seed template
e) scala/scala-seed.g8 - Scala 2 seed template
f) playframework/play-scala-seed.g8 - A Play project in Scala
g) playframework/play-java-seed.g8 - A Play project in Java
i) softwaremill/tapir.g8 - A tapir project using Netty
m) scala-js/vite.g8 - A Scala.JS + Vite project
n) holdenk/sparkProjectTemplate.g8 - A Scala Spark project
o) spotify/scio.g8 - A Scio project
p) disneystreaming/smithy4s.g8 - A Smithy4s project
q) quit
Select a template:
If you select "a", you will be prompted by more questions:
Select a template: a
Scala version (default: 3.3.0):
Scala Toolkit version (default: 0.2.0):
Hit return key to select the default values.
[info] Updated file /private/tmp/bar/project/ set sbt.version to 1.9.8
[info] welcome to sbt 1.9.8 (Azul Systems, Inc. Java 1.8.0_352)
[info] set current project to bar (in build file:/private/tmp/foo/)
[info] sbt server started at local:///Users/eed3si9n/.sbt/1.0/server/d0ac1409c0117a949d47/sock
[info] started sbt server
sbt:bar> exit
[info] shutting down sbt server
Here are the files that are created by this template:
├── build.sbt
├── project
│ └──
├── src
│ ├── main
│ │ └── scala
│ │ └── example
│ │ └── Main.scala
│ └── test
│ └── scala
│ └── example
│ └── ExampleSuite.scala
└── target
Let's take a look at the build.sbt
val toolkitV = "0.2.0"
val toolkit = "org.scala-lang" %% "toolkit" % toolkitV
val toolkitTest = "org.scala-lang" %% "toolkit-test" % toolkitV
scalaVersion := "3.3.0"
libraryDependencies += toolkit
libraryDependencies += (toolkitTest % Test)
This is called a build definition, and it contains the information sbt needs to compile your project. This is written in .sbt
format, a subset of Scala language.
Here's what's in src/main/scala/example/Main.scala
package example
@main def main(args: String*): Unit =
println(s"Hello ${args.mkString}")
This is a Hello world template. We can run it from the sbt shell by starting sbt --client
and typing run <your_name>
inside the shell:
$ sbt --client
[info] entering *experimental* thin client - BEEP WHIRR
[info] server was not detected. starting an instance
info] terminate the server with `shutdown`
[info] disconnect from the server with `exit`
sbt:bar> run Raj
[info] running example.main Raj
Hello Raj
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Feb 18, 2024 2:38:10 PM
Giter8 templates
In addition to a few .local
templates, sbt new
integrates with Giter8, and open templating system that uses GitHub to host templates. For example, scala/scala3.g8
is maintained by the Scala team to create a new Scala 3 build:
$ /tmp
$ sbt new scala/scala3.g8
Giter8 wiki lists over 100 templates that can jump start your new build.