Cross building setup

This page covers cross building setup. See Cross building for general explanation.

Using cross-built libraries

To use a library built against multiple versions of Scala, double the first % in a ModuleID to be %%. This tells sbt that it should append the current version of Scala being used to build the library to the dependency’s name. For example:

libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % "3.5.4"

A nearly equivalent, manual alternative for a fixed version of Scala is:

libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" % "cats-effect_3" % "3.5.4"

Scala 3 specific cross-versions

If you are developing an application in Scala 3, you can use Scala 2.13 libraries:

("a" % "b" % "1.0").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13)

This is equivalent to using %% except it resolves the _2.13 variant of the library when scalaVersion is 3.x.y.

Conversely we have CrossVersion.for2_13Use3 to use the _3 variant of the library when scalaVersion is 2.13.x:

("a" % "b" % "1.0").cross(CrossVersion.for2_13Use3)


Warning for library authors: It is generally not safe to publish a Scala 3 library that depends on a Scala 2.13 library or vice-versa. Doing so could introduce two versions of the same library like scala-xml_2.13 and scala-xml_3 on the end users' classpath.

More about using cross-built libraries

You can have fine-grained control over the behavior for different Scala versions by using the cross method on ModuleID These are equivalent:

"a" % "b" % "1.0"
("a" % "b" % "1.0").cross(CrossVersion.disabled)

These are equivalent:

"a" %% "b" % "1.0"
("a" % "b" % "1.0").cross(CrossVersion.binary)

This overrides the defaults to always use the full Scala version instead of the binary Scala version:

("a" % "b" % "1.0").cross(CrossVersion.full)

CrossVersion.patch sits between CrossVersion.binary and CrossVersion.full in that it strips off any trailing -bin-... suffix which is used to distinguish variant but binary compatible Scala toolchain builds.

("a" % "b" % "1.0").cross(CrossVersion.patch)

CrossVersion.constant fixes a constant value:

("a" % "b" % "1.0").cross(CrossVersion.constant("2.9.1"))

It is equivalent to:

"a" % "b_2.9.1" % "1.0"

Project matrix

sbt 2.x introduces project matrix, which enables cross building to happen in parallel.

organization := "com.example"
scalaVersion := "3.3.3"
version      := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"

lazy val core = (projectMatrix in file("core"))
    name := "core"
  .jvmPlatform(scalaVersions = Seq("3.3.3", "2.13.15"))

Publishing convention

We use the Scala ABI (application binary interface) version as suffix to denote which version of Scala was used to compile a library. For example, the artifact name cats-effect_2.13 means Scala 2.13.x was used. cats-effect_3 means Scala 3.x was used. This fairly simple approach allows interoperability with users of Maven, Ant and other build tools. For pre-prelease versions of Scala, such as 2.13.0-RC1, full version will be considered the ABI version.

crossVersion setting can be used to override the publishing convention:

  • CrossVersion.disabled (no suffix)
  • CrossVersion.binary (_<scala-abi-version>)
  • CrossVersion.full (_<scala-version>)

The default is either CrossVersion.binary or CrossVersion.disabled depending on the value of crossPaths. Because (unlike Scala library) Scala compiler is not forward compatible among the patch releases, compiler plugins should use CrossVersion.full.