sbt 2.0 changes (draft)


This is a draft documentation of sbt 2.x that is yet to be released. While the general concept translates to sbt 1.x, details of both 2.x and this doc are subject to change.

Changes with compatibility implications

See also Migrating from sbt 1.x.

  • sbt 2.x uses Scala 3.x for build definitions and plugins (Both sbt 1.x and 2.x are capable of building Scala 2.x and 3.x) by @eed3si9n, @adpi2, and others.
  • Bare settings are added to all subprojects, as opposed to just the root subproject, and thus replacing the role that ThisBuild has played.
  • test task is changed to be incremental test that can cache test results. Use testFull for full test by @eed3si9n in #7686
  • sbt 2.x plugins are published with _sbt2_3 suffix by @eed3si9n in #7671
  • sbt 2.x adds platform setting so ModuleID's %% operator can cross build on JVM as well as JS and Native, as opposed to %%% operator that was created in a plugin to workaround this issue, by @eed3si9n in #6746
  • Dropped useCoursier setting so Coursier cannot be opted out, by @eed3si9n in #7712
  • Key.Classpath is changed to be an alias of the Seq[Attributed[xsbti.HashedVirtualFileRef]] type, instead of Seq[Attributed[File]]. Similarly, some task keys that used to return File have changed to return HashedVirtualFileRef instead. See Caching Files.

Dropped dreprecations


  • Project matrix, which was available via plugin in sbt 1.x, is in-sourced.
  • sbt 2.x extends the unified slash syntax to support query of subprojects. Details below.
  • Local/remote cache system. Details below

Common settings

In sbt 2.x, the bare settings in build.sbt are interpreted to be common settings, and are injected to all subprojects. This means we can now set scalaVersion without using ThisBuild scoping:

scalaVersion := "3.3.3"

This also fixes the so-called dynamic dispatch problem:

lazy val hi = taskKey[String]("")
hi := name.value + "!"

In sbt 1.x hi task will capture the name of the root project, but in sbt 2.x it will return the name of each subproject with !:

$ export SBT_NATIVE_CLIENT=true
$ sbt show hi
[info] entering *experimental* thin client - BEEP WHIRR
[info] terminate the server with `shutdown`
> show hi
[info] foo / hi
[info]  foo!
[info] hi
[info]  root!

Contributed by @eed3si9n in #6746

sbt query

To filter down the subprojects, sbt 2.x introduces sbt query.

$ export SBT_NATIVE_CLIENT=true
$ sbt foo.../test

The above runs all subprojects that begins with foo.

$ sbt ...@scalaBinaryVersion=3/test

The above runs all subprojects whose scalaBinaryVersion is 3. Contributed by @eed3si9n in #7699

Local/remote cache system

sbt 2.x implements cached task, which can automatically cache the task results to local disk and Bazel-compatible remote cache.

lazy val task1 = taskKey[String]("doc for task1")

task1 := (Def.cachedTask {
  name.value + version.value + "!"

This tracks the inputs into the task1 and creates a machine-wide disk cache, which can also be configured to also use a remote cache. Since it's common for sbt tasks to also produce files on the side, we also provide a mechanism to cache file contents:

lazy val task1 = taskKey[String]("doc for task1")

task1 := (Def.cachedTask {
  val converter = fileConverter.value
  val output = converter.toVirtualFile(somefile)
  name.value + version.value + "!"

Contributed by @eed3si9n in #7464 / #7525

Previously on sbt

See also: