

:=, +=, ++=

These construct a Setting, which is the fundamental type in the settings system.


This is used to build up a ModuleID.


This is similar to % except that it identifies a dependency that has been cross built.


This is defined in sbt-platform-deps in sbt 1.x.



A system-level building block of sbt, often used to capture user interaction or IDE interaction. See Command.

Cross building

The idea of building multiple targets from the same set of source file. This includes Scala cross building, targetting multiple versions of Scala releases; platform cross building, targetting JVM, Scala.JS, and Scala Native; and custom virtual axis like Spark versions.


Dependency resolution

During library management, when multiple version candidates (e.g. foo:2.2.0 and foo:3.0.0) are found for a library foo within a dependency graph, it is called a dependency conflict. The process of mediating the conflict into a single version is called dependency resolution. Often, this would result in the older version beging removed from the dependency graph, which is called an eviction of foo:2.2.0. In some cases, an eviction is considered unsafe because the candidates are not replacable. See sbt update.



See dependency resolution.



.value is used to denote a happens-before relationship from one task or setting to another. This method is special (it is a macro) and cannot be used except in := or in the standalone construction methods Def.setting and Def.task.